Thursday, August 08, 2013

DA Updates Farmer Technicians On Pest Surveillance

by: James Earl E. Ogatis

A total of 47 local farmer technicians (LFTs) were updated on pest surveillance by the Department of Agriculture (DA) 6 to augment existing agricultural extension workers (AEWs) in monitoring pest and diseases affecting crops in the region.

According to Manuel O. Olanday, OIC Regional Technical Director for Operations, yield loss due to pest infestation on rice production reaches as much as 35 percent of the total production.

He stressed that pest if not given much attention can greatly affect increase production and ultimately food sufficiency of our country.

 Olanday said that the 156 LFTs region-wide performing additional functions of AEWs shall be the first to monitor and assess pest in their own farms being model farmers in the barangay.

“We need to utilize their abilities and skills to increase rice production and make sound decision through the utilization of good agricultural practices,” added Olanday.

Meanwhile, Rene B. Famoso, entomologist said that the training had greatly enhanced knowledge, attitude, and skills in various sampling techniques, pest identification and management of identified pests.
“Eventually we can create a pool of local farmers surveillance team in rice cluster barangay all over the region for easy and fast monitoring and management of pest.” Famoso added.

Among the topics discussed during the training are: Major insect pests of rice, their injuries and management; Major diseases of rice, their injuries and management; Rice pest monitoring form and how to conduct AESA; weeds of rice and their management; Golden Apple Snail (GAS) ecology and its management, and Rat ecology and its management.

 The participants observed actual pests and diseases identification and management during their one day field practicum at Western Visayas Agricultural Research Center.
Succeeding LFT training-updates will also be conducted in the provinces of Aklan, Capiz, Antique, Guimaras and Negros Occidental.
Buenavista Central School Embraces
NYR Advocacies

Learning about the importance of not wasting rice delighted parents, teachers and pupils of Buenavista Central School (BCS) during their culmination activity of the Nutrition Month recently.

Love Grace HabaƱa Velasco, principal of BCS said that National Year of Rice (NYR) 2013 advocacies reminded them of how precious rice is as our staple food.

With the theme “Gutom at Malnutrition, Sama-sama Nating Wakasan”, Mr. James Earl E. Ogatis, Information Officer of DA 6 stressed that every grain of rice is very precious and should not be wasted.

He said that it took 12 years for our researchers to develop each variety of rice that we have today.

Ogatis also stressed that a farmer and his carabao with plow must walk approximately 85 kilometers to plow one hectare of rice field.

“We should value the sacrifices of our farmers and farm laborers who produce food  for Filipinos every day. Refrain from wasting rice during cooking and eating” added Ogatis.

Statistics show that every Filipino wasted about two tablespoons of cooked rice or nine grams of uncooked rice daily.

This is equivalent to 13 percent of the total rice imports in 2010 valued at 6.2 billion pesos, enough to feed nearly 2.6 million Filipinos a year.

Ogatis also encouraged the pupils, parents and teachers to eat other alternative staple foods like banana, sweet potato, cassava, white corn, gabi and adlai. These commodities are abundant in our surroundings and excellent sources of carbohydrates.

Yolanda Aguda, Senior Agriculturist of Guimaras provincial agriculture office encourages the parents and teachers to teach pupils to eat healthy foods during snacks.

She said that the provincial government is very supportive on the advocacies in line with the celebration of the national year of rice 2013.

Upcoming NYR lectures are scheduled among public and private schools in the province and incorporated during farmers field school trainings and seminars.  /MP

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