Monday, October 07, 2013

Reason & Concern

Ronquillo C. Tolentino

Pork Barrel Scam Scandal 
Shall Be Here To Stay

It took me some time to write as I started to observe the reactions of Filipinos to the pork barrel scam here and abroad. Indeed, at no instance of our national life had the collective anger of Filipinos exhibited on the pork barrel scam.

Notwithstanding the Zamboanga standoff, the pork barrel scam scandal appeared to have the same headline sizes and accounts in metropolitan newspapers and the rate of commentaries in radios and television networks albeit the Zamboanga problem surfaced two weeks back as I write this.

As it stands, so many names are now appearing in the tri-media to also have committed pork barrel scam scandal either small or big, And certain theories, too, of the escalating scandal. This can be a thick book starting with the history of the pork barrel scam controversy.

The Senator Jinggoy Estrada stinging commentary that the pork barrel scam scandal appeared to be centered on Senators Juan Ponce Enrile, Revilla and himself could well be the big starter. But it shall not stop with the three of them.

The pork barrel scam scandal is not expected to just suddenly disappear contrary to the wishful thinking of others. But there is optimism that the Filipino people will not take the scandal to just vanish too suddenly after its too controversial expose’.

As I end my brief commentary anent the pork barrel scam scandal, I may hasten to add that the scandal had reached the broader masses of our people, the man on the streets, the religious sectors, the intellectuals, the youth and yes, even children.

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The way I look at it, certain national political figures are now being mentioned to have also been involved in pork barrel scam. The early denials are there. But the shady transactions are also being mentioned, nay, documented. It would be easy to determine if the accusations on alleged pork barrel scam commissions are politically motivated or plain propaganda. As the documents could well speak for itself. Verily, it can readily be deduced.

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Finally, President Aquino signed Republic Act 10627 otherwise known as the Anti Bullying Act of 2013.

The Department of Education shall impose sanctions on schools that do not comply with RA 10627.

In the congressional debates, it dawned on Congress that bullying can be summed up as causing physical and emotional abuse against another person.

One should just look and read the 1987 Philippine Constitution and can readily read that every child is protected by the fundamental law from unfair and adverse treatment whether it is physical or emotional. This is emphasized in the Department of Education’s Child Protection Policy guidelines for public and private school teacher “in the administration of disciplinary actions against erring students”

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By the way, October would be the National Children’s Month commemoration, “Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day” according to John Milton. Or in the language of Jones: “The interest of childhood and youth is the interest of mankind.” /MP

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