Sunday, February 22, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Knowing Cultural Heritage
Mayor Raymar A. Rebaldo of Kalibo in a Municipal Executive Order No. 10, Series of 2009 Expanded and Constituted the Kalibo Council for Culture and the Arts Board (KCCAB), Technical Working Group (TWG) and the Cultural Oversight committee.

The EO No. 10 also mandated the KCCAB to perform several functions concerning the formulation, implementation and review of projects that will protect, preserve, and conserve local cultural and historical heritage. It is mandated to conduct, in coordination with the cross section of the population, cultural events in the form of competition, symposia, exhibits, fora and research.

The EO No. 10 also authorizes the committee to evaluate qualifications, achievements, works, sacrifices, and honor of some Aklanons especially Kalibonhons.

In the initial meetings held by the committees, several opinions, reactions were elicited from the members. After a sincere discussion, it was the consensus that:

1. While XIX Martyrs Day is celebrated every March 23 of each year, the lives and deeds of the Martyrs are unknown to the present generation of Aklanons; 2. Other local heroes like Victorino Mapa, Gil Mijares, Pastor Martelino, and Jesus Jismundo are as well unknown to the Aklanons; 3. While information materials about the local heroes are available, it is well kept, damaged by flood and being molded in the aparadors. 4. The present XIX Martyrs shrine is not carefully maintained, the horse and General Castillo sculpture is off-size; 5. The re-enactment of the XIX Martyrs’ death is not in accordance to what history tells.

In view of these observations, the commi-ttee members are now busy working in order to positively respond to those felt observations.

For one thing, the DepEd is believed the most appropriate office con-cerned in the preservation, protection and conservation of culture and the arts. Those matters are parts of its curriculum in all levels of instruction. DepEd officials, teachers, and instructors must lead in those culture and arts. But where are they?

I was informed the committee has sent letters of invitation to DepEd officials to a meeting but to responds.


It is distressing to learn that some social studies teachers had limited knowledge about our local heroes. It is quite disturbing to know a principal of a school ignorant of the first Filipino Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines who was an Aklanon. There are many school officials not informed why and for whom Pastrana Park is named.

With the limited knowledge and appre-ciation of our cultural heritage, how can schools inculcate among the youth the love of our community?

Regulation Review of LPG Sale

Sen. Manny Villar cited the need to put in place mechanisms and policies to ensure effective regulation in the sale and distribution of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to protect the Filipino consumers and end-users.

"This is not the first time that we encounter shortage in supply and fluctuations in prices of LPG. In many instances, the shortage and price hikes are not even market-driven but artificial. Thus, it is time we review the LPG market operations and implement policies to protect the consumers," said Villar.

Stricter rules, according to Villar, would put a stop to the abusive trade practices in the LPG market involving hoarders and illegal refillers. "A better regulated LPG market levels the playing field and allows small industry players to compete with big multinationals".

Over 90 percent of the LPG domestic market is controlled by handful of companies like Petron, Liquigaz, Shell, and Total. The small players are left with a small percentage of the market.

"If competition is healthy, market-dictated, and no monopoly, cartel, then there is no room for abusive and prohibitive pricing.Villar recommended the adoption of mechanisms to ensure the accuracy of the content of LPG tanks. He filed a bill to require LPG retailers to install weighing scale in their stores and prescribe a uniform standard design for the outlet and regulator of LPG tanks.

"With a uniform design for the outlet or regulator of the LPG tanks, the consumers will have easy access to any brand of LPG tanks. /MP

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