Sunday, February 22, 2009

Selection For Outstanding Aklanon Awards Starts

Gov. Carlito S. Marquez of Aklan has announced that nomination for 2009 Outstanding Aklanon Awards Committee is now accepting nominations. According to Engr. Roger M. Esto, Chairman, Awards Committee, awards will be given to the 12 categories as follows:

1. Education,
2. Government/Public Service,
3. Culture and Arts,
4. Science/Invention/Technology,
5. Sports,
6. Agriculture/Fishery,
7. Journalism (Tri-media),
8. ICT (Information and Communications Technology,
10. Military/Police,
11. Business/Industry/Profession, and
12. Foreign Service.
Those qualified for nomination are:
1. Born with either Aklanon parents or has lived and served Aklan for at least 25 years;
2. Impact of the achieve-ments had benefited the greatest number of people or for a long period of time;
3. Consistent demonstra-tion of exemplary conduct, morality, and ethical behavior;
4. Potential awardee’s must recognize and acknowledge himself/herself as Aklanon;
5. Nominees must submit Bio-data, pictures and other supporting documents; and
6. Must personally attend the Awarding Ceremonies to receive the award.
Deadline for sub-mission of completed Nomination Form is on or before March 20, 2009.
The nomination form is available in the Provincial Planning and Develop-ment Office, Provincial Capitol, Kalibo, Aklan.
For additional infor-mation, please contact Engr. Roger M. Esto, or Engr. Lorna T. Cawaling, of the PPDO, Provincial Capitol, Kalibo, Aklan, at tel. no. (036) 268-5442 and 262-1555.

The evaluation of nominees will be held on March 24, 2009; the names of successful nominees will be announced two weeks hence or not later than April 10. The awards will be given during the Aklan Day celebration on April 25. /MP

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