Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fake Contractors Bilk U. S. Calamity Victims


Chicago, Illinois- Filipinos are not the only victims of unscrupulous individuals who take advantage of their woes during calamities.

In the United States, the federal government has warned Americans of "less than scrupulous contrac-tors out there, who prey on people with difficult circumstances."

In calamity-ravaged areas like the Mt. Pinatubo disaster in the Philippines, as well as in some parts of Asia, scam artists, sometimes abetted by corrupt govern-ment officials, would pocket hundreds of thousands if not millions of pesos worth of financial doleouts coming from both the state and private donors.

Asians are not alone. The US’s State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently revealed the mush-rooming of "scam artists that tend to follow disasters", especially the recent snow storms in Missouri and its environs.

"Even more incre-dible are the fake offers of state and federal aid to disaster victims," protested FEMA and SEMA in a joint statement.

"Beware of impost-ers," said Tom Hall, FEMA’s federal coor-dinating officer for disaster operations in Missouri. "FEMA and SEMA representatives always wear photo IDs."

Hall said emergency responders urge residents and businesses to revisit insurance policies, placing important papers in a safe place. Residents with damage should also have an idea of who they will call to make repairs to the home.

The following are some basics to consider, Hall pointed out, when dealing with contractors making repairs: Use local contractors; ask for references; ask for a written estimate; ask for proof of license insurance; get a written, signed contract; pay the balance until after the job is completed.

Hall said, FEMA leads and supports the nation in a risk-based, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation, to reduce the loss of life and property and protect the nation from all hazards including natural disasters, acts of terrorism and man-made disasters. /MP

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