Sunday, February 15, 2009

Plan Holds Child Centered Disaster Risk Reduction Training

by Dobie P. Parohinog, PhD
A Child Centered Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) training was held at the Audio-Visual Room of the Aklan State University, Banga Campus on January 28–30, 2009. CCDR is a banner project of Plan Phils., Inc. in coordination with the Department of Education, Division of Aklan.

The school adminis-trators, selected teachers and pupils as well as PTCA presidents coming from the different municipalities of Aklan like Kalibo, Numancia, Madalag and Banga participated in this CCDRR training.

DepEd–Aklan key officials like Dr. Napoleon Allones, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, Miss Jessie Y. Gerardo, ES I (Science), Mr. Michael T. Rapiz, ES I (English), a representative of DepEd-Central Office, Mrs. Candelaria de Juan, Chief of Physical Facilities and DRR Point Person spear-headed the opening program. Mr. Baltazar S. Tribunalo, Jr., Plan Country Advisor, Mr. Edwin Elegado, Plan Phils, DRR Specialist, and Mr. Galo I. Ibardolaza, Community Development Facilitator were also present.
In the plenary dis-cussions of CCDRR, Baltazar Tribunado emphasized the need for an effective disaster management system. He stressed, the province of Aklan having been wrecked by the recent typhoon Frank, and even the whole country, "The socio-economic and environmental impacts of disasters become remar-kable to the minds of the Filipino people, considering that Philippines is known to be a disaster capital of the world." In the Western Visayas, hazards have been projected to typhoons, floods, storm, surges, landslides, droughts, earth-quakes, epidemics and agricultural infestations, he further elaborated.

DRR Specialist Edwin Elegado exposed the participants to various environmental disturbances through film viewing, and focused on the hazardous effects of climate change: its origin and routes. In his discussion, he said: "Typhoon is a natural environmental disturbance but usual activities of the people related to environmental destruction are culprit of inevitable environmental disturbances. The most scaring one is an apparent indicator of global warming," he further added.

To determine the vulnerability of the schools to hazards, workshops were made to draw its historical map, seasonal map and hard map led by Mrs. Candy de Juan. She invoked appropriate measures to reduce the effects of hazards to school properties. On her elaboration, she stressed: "School buildings must be rehabilitated or recon-structed according to its geographical hazards like flood, fire, landslides or vehicular accident, she vehemently interpolated.

During the period of interpolation, various interactions blazed among the participants more coming from Numancia, Kalibo and Madalag knowing that schools were vulnerable to landslides and floods like Ortega Elem. School of Madalag, Mobo Elementary School of Kalibo, and Bulwang Elementary School of Numancia.

The training sessions on the third day ended with a closing program with remarkable reflections and impressions from the participants who gave due credits to the successful management of the Plan Phils. in coordination with DepEd-Aklan. Fellowship resolution to work together in a binding spirit of cooperation to promote environmental-related activities on protection, conservation and preser-vation of a healthy environment in the Province of Aklan was adopted. /MP

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