Friday, March 13, 2009


All About Eve
"Eve was neither taken out of Adam’s head to be topped by him; nor out of his feet to be trampled by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him."

God made a woman very special. The essence of motherhood basically determines her place in the society. It is God’s plan of a high and noble calling for a woman.

A woman has shoulders strong enough to carry the burdens of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. She has the toughness that allows her to keep going and takes care of her family through sickness and fatigue without com-plaining. She has the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances. She has the courage of accepting petty faults and forgives all failures for she has the wisdom to know that a good man never hurts a woman. She has a comforting hug and kiss that can cure a grieving heart and a comforting lap that can hold her children and she will do anything with her two hands.

God made a woman so tough but He also made her soft. She owes it to herself to shed tears to justify her feelings. Woman should and meant to cry whenever it is needed. Her way of expressing love, joy, pride, loneliness, grief, and disappointments. She cries or cheers her hearts out. Her heart breaks and grieves at the loss of a loved one, yet she is strong when she thinks there is no strength left. So impressive she is!

Woman has strength that amazes men. She bears hardships and carries burdens but she holds happiness, love and joy. Woman sparkles like diamonds and serves as hooks to hopes in this otherwise complicated world.

The weaker gender and inferior to men but strong, sensuous, and delicate all at once. Woman fights for what she believes in. She stands up to injustice and doesn’t take "no" for an answer when she believes there is a better solution. A woman dares taking chances and conquers another world to provide for her family. She loves unconditionally.

A woman today has come a long way proving that behind a successful man is a great woman. She is determined to fulfill roles that are once just confined to men but she is now demanding and possessing equal rights.

These days, woman is versatile and far from being one dimensional and dormant one. She is more than ready to step up and take one different challenges weather her crucial position in the corporate world, in politics or physically demanding sports. The modern day Filipina manages to keep up and work hard, from a nurturing mother to a hardworking businesswoman. Each day is very admirable in her own way.

She’s both competent and competitive. She knows what she wants and pulls out all stops to make it happen. Not only will she be able to think, she will stand up, reason out and negotiate.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world go round. In matters of love, woman is champion. She loves and loves hard. She commits herself into her feelings and there is no turning back. A woman honors her marriage vows and promises a restful, peaceful, happy and safe place for her family to come home to.

And at the end of the day, she knows that every girl’s passion to stand out in a man’s world is her need to look and feel great and beautiful. A woman always wants to feel like the lady truly adored by staying beautiful and divine inside and out.

In Aklan, women are now leading in politics and local leadership such as Vice Gov. Gabrielle V. Calizo, Altavas Mayor Kathryne Refol, Batan Mayor Delfina Ramos, Balete Mayor Noemi Cordero, Numancia Mayor Elvirita Templonuevo, and Ibajay Mayor Ma. Lourdes Miraflores. There are two Aklan Sangguniang Panlala-wigan members, Hon. Jean O. Rodriguez and Hon. Daisy Sucro Briones.

Happy Woman’s Month!

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