Friday, March 13, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Outstanding Aklanons As Role Models
Aklan on April 25, 1956 became a separate province by virtue of RA No. 1414 separating Aklan as a province from the Province of Capiz. And again, the provincial government of Aklan will observe the 53rd Aklan Foundation Day on April 25, 2009.

According to Engr. Roger M. Esto, provincial planning and development officer, one of the high-lights of the celebration is the recognition of Out-standing Aklanon.

Esto said, the award this year is limited to 12 to give more prestige to the award. The selection will be limited to 12 human endeavors or categories which are: 1. Education, 2. Government/Public Service, 3. Culture and Arts, 4. Science/Invention/Technology, 5. Sports, 6. Agriculture/Fishery/Forestry, 7. Journalism (Tri-media), 8. Information and Communication Technology, 9. Religion, 10. Military/Police, 11. Business/Industry/Profession, and 12. Foreign Service.

The criteria used last year will also apply this year with two additions. These are: 1. the nominee will have demonstrated exemplary conduct of morality, and ethical behavior; and 2. the awardees must uphold the criteria stated above to avoid the withdrawal of the award.

Also in the Nomination Form, the nominator will certify to the good moral character of the nominee. This are resorted to maintain and sustain morality among the awardees who are role models of the people especially the youth.

Outstanding Aklanon award does not only bestow upon a person recognition and honor. The award is accompanied with sacred responsibility upon the awardee: the responsibility to maintain proper behavior and morality at all times, in all places.
I Stand On The Side of Press Freedom
The right-of-reply issue has nothing to do with fearing media, not even with the 2010 elections. Rather, it has everything to do with imposing unnecessary restraints on media.

This is not the first attempt to pass a right-of-reply bill in the Senate. A similar bill was filed in the pre-martial law chamber but did not prosper.
Then as now, the position of Eddie Monteclaro, president of the National Press Club at that time, remains relevant.

He said: "The right of reply is better than realized through editorial discretion and voluntary acts rather than through forcible dictation through state machinery which infringes upon a basic freedom."

Public servants, as they say, live in glass houses, and they must steel themselves from criticism while in the service of the people.

I have had my share of criticism and continue to be pilloried, at times, by the media. When one is on the side of truth, however, one does not need to fear media.

We cannot legislate responsibility. Self-regulation is the best option. I have crossed the line; I stand on the side of press freedom.

RC Kalibo
This column cong-ratulates the Rotary Club of Kalibo for hauling considerable number of awards during the District Convention (DISCON) of Rotary International 3850 held in Iloilo City last week.

RC Kalibo walked away with the following awards: 1. Most Outstanding Inter-national Service, 2. Out-standing Rotary Club President (Melrose "Megs" Lunn), 3. Best Community Service Project, 4. District Service Awards to: a. Pres. Melrose "Megs" Lunn, b. PP leonardo raphael "Raphy" TAYCO, and c. PP NIOVADY "Vady" MARIN, 5. Distinguished Service Award and 6. Distinguished Club

The DISCON was held in Sarabia Manor Hotel, Iloilo City on March 5 - 7.
5 Pinoys With Fake
U.S. Passport
Alex Vidal in Chicago Illinois reported 5 Filipinos were charged with federal passport offenses in San Francisco, California last month.

The five were identified as Efrain Molina, Antonio Flores, Francisco Asis, Victor Topete, and Gloria Paniagua.

Molina was arrested on Dec. 15. Flores was convicted of possessing fraudulent SSS Number, while Asis was convicted of possessing a false driver’s license.

Topete and Paniagua were convicted of possessing false identification docu-ments when they applied for their passports.

The case of these 5 Filipinos will serve as warning to those planning to go abroad to be wary in their preparation of their travel documents. /MP

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