Sunday, May 10, 2009

ATI Graduates 6648 Palaycheck FFS


Director Asterio P. Saliot of the Agricultural Training Institute delivering his message to the 1,117 Palaycheck FFS graduates of Capiz during the Mass Graduation Ceremony held on April 14 at the Capiz Gym, Roxas City.

The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) graduated 6,648 farmers of Region 6 from the Season Long Palaycheck Farmers Field School (FFS) Dry Cropping Season on separate occasions. The Palaycheck FFSs were conducted simultaneously in 210 sites of the 82 municipalities in Aklan, Antique, Capiz, Iloilo, Negros Occidental, and Guimaras from December 2008 to April 2009.

The hands-on training demonstrated rice production using the palaycheck system in order to assure increase in the quantity and quality of rice being produced by the farmers. With the conduct of the FFS and consequent practice by the farmer graduates, Region 6 hopes to increase the average rice production per hectare and thereby improve its present 110 percent rice self sufficiency level.

Mass graduations in five provinces of the region were held as the culminating activity of the FFSs for the month of April. ATI Dir. Asterio P. Saliot confirmed the 1,117 farmer graduates of Capiz who came from 34 sites of 15 municipalities during the rites held on April 14, 2009 . Afterwards, ATI Asst. Director for Technical Operations Alberto Maningding confirmed the mass graduations in Iloilo on April 17 with 2,536 farmer graduates from 74 sites of 27 municipalities; Negros Occidental on April 21 with 1,064 farmer graduates from 32 sites of 14 municipalities; Antique on April 23 with 1,206 farmer graduates from 39 sites of 14 municipalities; and Aklan on April 24 with 725 farmer graduates from 22 sites of 8 municipalities. The culminating activity for Guimaras is on May 22 with 307 FFS participants from 9 sites of 4 municipalities expected to graduate.

The Palaycheck FFSs are conducted in collaboration with the provincial and municipal governments particularly the office of the provincial agriculturist, and municipal agriculture office,, Philippine Rice Research Institute, and the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Unit 6./MP

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