Sunday, May 10, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Beauty Is Forever Joy
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever, and if eyes are made for seeing, then beauty is no excuse". But beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

And beauty is the quality attributed to whatever pleases or satisfies the senses or mind, as by line, color, form, texture, proportion, rhythmic motion, tone and others. Is beauty standardized? Yes, but the standard is dependent upon one’s appreciation and its appreciation is a product of one’s culture and standard. What is pretty to a young man maybe ugly to another young man. Pretty lass to a French man is just ugly to a Japanese boy.

The last re-greening program of Aklan under Gov. Carlito S. Marquez just concluded revealed the culture and sense of appreciation of the evaluation team members.

Interrupted Power Interrupts Activities

On the evening of Monday, May 4, I was in Muguing, Banga. I attended the Coronation Program of their Queen Miss Muguing which was one of the highlights of their barangay and religious fiesta in honor of their patron saint, Santa Cruz. The pageantry march has just started and suddenly there was black out. The coronation pageant was interrupted. The people shouted: "Huh……!"

The reserve power generator took about 10 minutes to function. The coronation pageant proceeded after light was restored.

Hon. Selwyn Ibarreta was seated with me. He was the honored guest and coronation speaker. He represented Gov. Carlito Marquez. Hon. Ibarreta told me "the cause is unknown and power restoration is uncertain". After some minutes, Hon. Ibarreta showed the text of Engr. Ilito which stated: "the fault is in Dingle, Iloilo caused by a snake".

This morning, Friday, May 8, the interview with Miss Michelle Martha Braun, Aklan’s candidate to Miss Earth Philippines with Kaibahang Butz in his radio program "Ilitsahan" was instantly halted by the sudden blackout.
It seems that blackouts and other problems on electric power distribution is attributed to a cause or causes. Of course, anything that happens is caused by something. But Akelco management has never accepted any responsibility.

The sudden closure of its offices after lunch on March 24 which cost time, effort, and money to the people who went to its offices that time was never admitted by Akelco as its lapse.

Advanced notice for any change in working hours of all business firms is a basic management practice that must be done.

Akelco management has not admitted any fault to the owner consumer members of Akelco for wrongly paying NAPOCOR the P15 million. The maxim: "the customer is always right" is reversed as far as the present Akelco management is concerned.

I recalled an incident in the early 1990 when the management of the late Engr. Job Besana arbitrarily increased the kilowatt hour rate. I wrote about the arbitrary increase of rate, that he has not consulted the consumers about the rate increase of electricity sales being a monopoly. I wrote the article in Panay News.

When the late Gov. Corazon L. Cabagnot’s attention was called, she immediately invited Engr. Besana for a meeting about the arbitrary rate increase with the presence of some members of the Provincial Board. The meeting was held in the capitol building. After a brief discussion, right in the meeting, Engr. Besana stopped the collection of the increased rate and effected refund for those member consumers who have already paid.

Airport Congestion

Engr. Precy Malonesio, Manager of the Kalibo International Airport rationalized the presence of SPA, souvenir and coffee shops inside the departure area of the airport. According to Malonesio, he cannot do anything against it because the decision came from above.

Engr. Malonesio is the airport manager. He is the eyes, ears, mouth, and hand of Civil Aeronautic Administration of the Philippines. Malonesio could apprise his higher level superiors of the condition prevailing in Kalibo International Airport with his recommendation to decongest the departure area. Airport terminal was not constructed for lease but to serve airlines and its passengers. Engr. Malonesio knows this. It is only in Kalibo where part of a minute space for passengers is rented to SPA and shops.

For the meantime that the space is congested, rescind the lease contracts and make the space available to passengers. They can come back when there is enough space for them. /MP

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