Friday, May 15, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Akelco Intermittent Power Supply
Mr. Chito Peralta, general manager of Akelco has written Engr. Rey H. Jaleco of the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines. He requested formal explanation or justifications of the intermittent power supply in the afternoon of May 8. The answer of Engr. Jaleco on the matter will be disseminated to the consumer-members of Akelco as soon as received.

According to Peralta, Akelco has received numerous complaints especially from Boracay Island. "In effect, some of our valuable electrical appliances were instantly damage", Peralta told Jaleco, "As confirmed by incoming voltage readings at our substations, this irregularity is caused by voltage sags and swells at our sub-transmission lines," Peralta wrote further.

This writer cong-ratulates Gen. Manager Peralta for asking "formal explanation or justifications" of the intermittent power supply. It is my expectation that Akelco will request explanations for negative things happening for the better education and fitting action of Akelco and its consumer-members.

Government Trick

One of the tricks the government utilizes is deception. It announces something government offices will do to convince the community people their government is doing well.

On March 4, 2009, Asst. Ombudsman – Visayas, Virginia Palanca-Santiago created the Oplan Red Plate Task Force. This task force as supposed to implement Administrative Order (AO) No. 239 of the President of the Philippines signed on Sept. 15, 2008. This AO "prohibits the use of government vehicles for purposes other than official business." Palanca – Santiago vowed to support the Oplan Red Plate through "Aggressive" implementation.

She conducted a one day orientation/briefing of the Task Force on March 13 in Iloilo City. The Task Force is composed of six government agencies which are the: 1) Ombudsman, 2) Land Transportation Office, 3) Philippine Information Agency, 4) Commission on Audit, 5. Philippine National Police, and 6) Civil Service Commission.

Kapehan Sa Aklan featured Oplan Red Plate on its March 28 discussion, a gesture of Aklan Tri-media members to assist in the implementation. Dir. Evelyn Ejar of the Civil Service Commission, Ms. Venus Villanueva of PIA, and Mr. Valtimore Conanan of the Land Transportation Office were invited guests resource persons. They discussed the plan and mechanics of implementation.

Mr. Jose C. Cabarles, State Auditor V, wrote "regretfully I cannot come…due to previous commitment". His attendance "to that program requires authority from the Honorable Chairman, this Commission".

Wow, here is a COA personnel who is impeded to attend a media forum to discuss a government program information campaign. This is censorship and a restraint to a provision of the constitution on "the right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recognized". This prior approval is serving as obstruction of progress.

But where is the Oplan Red Plate? Administrative Order No. 239 was issued as a trick. Going around town, just watch and tally government vehicles without the required markings vis-à-vis "For Official Use Only". Just stand-by the roadside and count the vehicles passing by on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and after office hours.

How can a government whose legitimacy is being questioned compelled officials and employees implement or obey the laws?

A Great lover

Great lover is my introduction message of the guest of honor and speaker, Governor Carlito S. Marquez during the Recognition/Awarding Ceremonies held on May 14, Capt. Mijares Bldg., XIX Martyrs St., Kalibo, Aklan sponsored by the Philippine National Red Cross, Aklan Chapter. Here is my introduction message.

"Ms. Arcely Pelayo, our Provincial Administrator, PNRC, Aklan Chapter assigned me a task I heartily love to comply with, to introduce to you our guest of honor and speaker. It is my joy to learn and relate to you the sterling character and great achievement of a great guest and speaker.

Nevertheless, I found my job difficult because our guest of honor is very familiar to all of us. He needs no introduction. His life is like an open book which everybody has read and understood.

He is a man often quoted for his popular admonition: "Owat tawong gina gaid sa kapobrehon".

Whenever he delivers a speech, our guest has popularized the use in his salutation: "Hi…! Helloo…!"

Our guest this morning is a great lover. He loves Aklanons, Ms. Marquez, and his mother. In any gatherings, where he delivers message, our guest always greets Ms. Marquez.

In the recent May 10 "Mother’s Day" comme-moration, he exhibited his greatest love, love of mother. During his radio interview I listened at RGMA-DYRU with Kaibahang Butz in "Ilitsahan", he was very emotional in citing the qualities and desirable virtues of his mother in upbringing of an honorable man, now popularly known as the Provincial Governor of Aklan, Governor Carlito S. Marquez.

For his love of us, Governor Marquez is providing an annual appropriation of P500,000 to the PNRC, Aklan chapter. He authorized the financing of the construction of the new Red Cross building, and partly financed the construction of the Blood Bank Bldg.

Moreover, he approved, through the provincial engineer, Engr. Victory Fernandez the use of the Aklan provincial vehicles to transport materials being used for the construction of shelter project for flood victims of typhoon Frank. He also approved pay-ments for blood processing fees of indigent patients which for the last four years totalled 565 units valued at 842,500.00 pesos.

As far as the Red Cross is concerned, these favorable actions of our guest of honor and speaker are monumental demonstration of his love for his people specifically the Aklanons. Like him, let us love our people so as to liberate them from the bondage of poverty.

Fellow Red Crossers, let us warmly and heartily welcome our guest of honor and speaker, Gov. Carlito S. Marquez. /MP

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