Friday, May 15, 2009

Living With Dignity

The new manager of the Philippine Air Lines, Kalibo Branch, Mr. Victor S. Reyes highly deserves Aklanon’s warm welcome to Kalibo. He has been employed by the Philippine Air Lines for over 26 years. After serving for six (6) years in General Santos City, he was transferred to Kalibo. He officially started his managerial position in PAL Kalibo on April 1, 2009.

His movement to Kalibo seems like a good omen when on April 12, two employees of JO – CAAP (Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines), Kalibo Inter-national Airport (KIA) turned over a black wallet that they found during their routine job inside the pre-departure area. The wallet was turned over to SPO3 Hansel L. Quinesio, KIA securit duty team leader.

On verification, the owner of the wallet was identified as James Allen Tobojka, passenger of PAL flight PR-324 bound for Manila. SPO3 Quinesio wasted no time. He coordinated with Mr. Victor Reyes, PAL – Kalibo station manager, who in turn immediately sent a telex message to PAL Manila to locate and inform Mr. Tobojka of his wallet. Meanwhile, the wallet and all its contents were inventoried and turned over again to Mr. Reyes in the presence of CAAP-manager, Engr. Percival Malonesio. The said wallet was flown to Manila via PAL flight PR 326.

When asked how she felt about finding the wallet, Mrs. Gumban and her colleague felt they were quite shocked to see so much money. But their first thought was, "whoever lost that wallet must be frantic". They just wanted the owner to know that his property was safe. Using their initiative, they reported their finding to the airport authority, and the matter was dealt with, without further delay.

Asked how she felt when she learned about the reward, her reply was really touching. "I was very proud to be recognized as an honest person. I never thought I will receive any remuneration for returning what is not mine. I have always turned over any item that the passengers left or lost that we found before. But this is the first time that we were given recognition for being honest".

"The award of recognition that Governor Marquez bestowed upon us is more than money can buy because that recognition will stay with me for life. I am grateful to Mr. Tobojka for the reward he gave Randy and me. It will help both my family and me a lot. I will do the same again if a similar incident happened," assured Gumban.

Randy Encabo was not available during the interview, but people who knew what he did said that they were proud of their co workers, and that they are fine examples to all of the workers about the importance of self respect.

Another person acknowledged for her honesty is Mrs. Erlinda Luna, also an employee of JO CAAP. She turned over a white wallet with black stripe she found in the toilet while doing her routine job in the pre departure ladies comfort room. The wallet contained cash together with credit cards.

With the assistance of SPO1 Johnny N. Lozada, the owner of the wallet was identified as Ms. Pamela Valencia Legion. When asked why she had returned the wallet, her reply was: "I was very concerned for the person who lost it. It is a good feeling when I know I have done something good for other people. When my conscience is clear, I can hear my heart sings. I thank the Lord that He has used me as His instrument to set an example to others who do not understand the importance of honesty." /MP

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