Monday, September 28, 2009

Centennial Woman of Dongon

The centennial woman, Ms. Panfila Enero Ibabao is seated with her children who are Pablo Taluyo, Dr. Reinalda I. Magdaluyo,Ester I. Ibañez, Dr. Lutgarda I. Taluyo and Mr. Proceso T. Magdaluyo during "A Centennial Celebration of Life" on Sept. 19, 2009.

Can you live 100 years and still walk straightly? Yes, this is true to Ms. Panfila "Pilang" Enero Ibabao.

To her relatives and friends, she is popularly and lovingly called Pilang. She is born 100 years ago on September 21. Her birthday was celebrated with a thanksgiving mass held at St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Numancia, Aklan on Sunday morning, Sept. 19.

The holy mass over, the guests, relatives, and friends were entertained in a reception and luncheon program held in Gov. Corazon L. Cabagnot Training Center, Old Buswang, Kalibo. In behalf of the family, Dr. Reinalda Ibabao Magdaluyo, one of the successful children welcomed Nay Pilang’s guests and well wishers.

There were greetings and warm wishes given by Numancia Mayor Elverita T. Templonuevo, Vice Mayor Evangeline M. Ibabao, and Atty. Allen S. Quimpo, president, Northwestern Visayan Colleges. There were intermission and surprise numbers from the relatives and friends. During luncheon, a video was presented on the life of Nay Pilang and her family.
Her grandchildren and great grandchildren paid tributes to their Lola in the form of dances, songs, poems and declamation highly entertaining to those present as well.

In her teaching career in Dongon, Numancia, she started as Grade I teacher and retired from the teaching job as Grade I teacher after 44 years. Promotions were offered, but she declined it. This enabled her to stay longer at home and provided the motherly love and care to their children.

One of her pupils in Grade I is Mr. Rudy Revesencio. He is now a retired Akelco Area Manager for Banga and Altavas. According to him, it was Nay Pilang who influenced his attitude and behavior. "I was quite poor in arithmetic. I often got low in the tests", Rudy related. "In one of the tests, I got a chance to copy the answers of my seat mate", Rudy continued. "After checking, I got a 100 score. Nay Pilang was in doubt. She told me, "Maybe if you can get a high score next test, I will believe you did not copy," confided Rudy.

"With those words of Nay Pilang, I tried to study hard. In the next test, I got 100 again. Nay Pilang believed, I did an honest work," revealed Rudy. From then on, Rudy became diligent in his studies. It is a great lesson by an illustrious teacher to a young boy that shaped his life.

At age 100 years old, Nay Pilang walks straightly with clear hearing and vision. With her husband, the late former Vice Mayor of Numancia, Conrado Reyes Ibabao, they have four successful children: Dr. Reinalda Magdaluyo is a PhD holder, a retired DepEd Assistant Regional Director and married to Mr. Proceso T. Magdaluyo. They have five children, four of whom are nurses and one Doctor of Medicine.

Atty. Wenceslao E. Ibabao is a retired Regional Trial Court judge of Davao City. He married the former Miriam Pacifico Ibabao. They have one child who is also a nurse.

Dr. Lutgarda I. Taluyo, a doctor of medicine is married to Pablo Meneses Taluyo. They both work in the United States.

Ms. Ester I. Ibañez is a CPA married to Mr. Cenon Carbonel Ibañez, Jr. They have four children who are all professionals.

Today, Nay Pilang is happy with her four children; three sons in-law and one daughter in-law. She also has 12 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

Indeed, Nay Pilang is a great mother and model teacher imbued with integrity, humility, patience, wisdom and understanding. You may not be Nay Pilang, the century woman, but you can be Nay Pilang, the model mother and teacher. /MP

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