Monday, September 28, 2009

Voice for Peace

text and photo by AMBROSIO R. VILLORENTE

Picture shows the participants to the ‘Voice for Peace’ An Impromptu Speaking Competition the RI District 3850 and the Rotary Club of Kalibo conducted at the Rotary Livelihood and Training Center, Brgy. Andagao, Kalibo, in the evening, September 22, 2009. They are Roselle Q. Mongaya, Roxanne Melody D. Flor, Jesanny Ibo Yap, Jett Panadero Pastrana, Hanskee Montoya Roquios, Nigel Tesorero Valencia, Kahannah Maben C. Vega and Cherry May I. Concepcion.

"Peace: A Response to Society’s Problem" is the subject of an impromptu speaking competition sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kalibo. It was held in the Rotary Livelihood & Training Center, Andagao, Kalibo on Tuesday evening, Sept. 22.

Hanskee Montoya Roquios, a fourth year high school student of New Washington Compre-hensive National High School, New Washington bagged the first prize. Jett Panadero Pastrana of Sto. Niño Seminary, Numancia captured second place while the third and fourth places went to Kahannah Maben C. Vega and Jesanny Ibo Yap respectively.
There were eight contestants who vied for the award who represented eight high schools in Aklan. They were judged on the following: substance of speech, relevance and originality of ideas, personality and delivery of speech, and spontaneity and effectiveness of delivery. All participants were given Certificate of Participation, while the winners received citation.
The Board of Judges was composed of former RTC Judge Niovady Marin, Ms. Bing Santamaria, Dr. Mona Magayanes, Atty. Yen-Yen Ibadlit – members and Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente – chairman.
Hanskee will represent
the Rotary Club of Kalibo to the zone level contest which consists of the Rotary Clubs from Capiz and Aklan.
If he wins in the zone level contest, Hanskee will vie for district championship to be held in St. John Institute Auditorium, Bacolod City on November 28, 2009. The champion will receive P10,000 cash, first runner up – P5,000 and second
runner up P3,000.
The Voice for Peace impromptu speaking competition aims to: 1. develop the students ability to formulate their views and opinions on a vital issue and concern within a limited time. 2. develop the ability to express their views and opinions to an audience in plain English, and 3. create awareness and instill in the consciousness of our youth the importance and urgency of propagating and maintaining peace in our country.
Jett Panadero Pastrana will be the alternate of Hanskee. /MP

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It's my first time to see this. Nice experience with the Rotary Club way back in high school.
