Thursday, October 15, 2009

Aklan SP Suspends Hon. Antonio T. Maming

For "Abuse of Authority, Misconduct In Office, and Neglect of Duty", Banga Mayor, Hon. Antonio T. Maming is suspended as Mayor of Banga for three (3) months.

Acting on the Administrative Case No. 09–01, filed on December 18, 2008 by Hon. Vicente R. Seraspi, Jr., SB member of Banga, the Sang-guniang Panlalawigan of Aklan investigated the complaint. Hon. Wilbert Ariel I. Igoy, Aklan SP member headed the Investigating Committee as chairman.
Mayor Maming was furnished a copy of the complaint. He was also directed to file his answer/counter affidavit, responsive pleading and supporting evidences. The letter was dated February 18, 2009 signed by Hon. Wilbert Ariel I. Igoy.

The SP Investigating committee was composed of Hon. Jose S. Yap, Hon. Teody M. Masangya, Sr. Hon. Ramon S. Gelito, and Hon. Pedro M. Garcia.
Chaired by Hon. Igoy, the committee went to work. It conducted Pre-trial Conference, and eight (8) hearings, the last of which was on Sept. 2, 2009.
The committee on Sept. 17, 2009 submitted its report signed by Hon. Wilbert Ariel I. Igoy, Hon. Jose Yap, and Hon. Teody M. Masangya, Sr., Hon. Pedro M. Garcia and Hon. Ramon S. Gelito declined to sign the majority recommendation. Gelito submitted his dissenting recommendation on October 6.

In its 37th Regular Session on October 8, 2009, the Investigating Committee reported its findings during the plenary session. It found the Mayor of Banga, Hon. Antonio I. Maming "liable for abuse of authority, misconduct in office, and neglect of duty" and it recommended the penalty of suspension for a period of six (6) months.

While the Aklan SP concurred that indeed Mayor Maming is guilty as accused, the members however did not agree to penalize Mayor Maming with six (6) months suspension.

In the plenary session, SP Aklan approved a Resolution No. 2009 – 255 adopting the majority recommendation but reduced the imposable penalty from six months to three (3) months.

While Hon. Gelito concurred that Mayor Maming is guilty as accused, Gelito believed the penalty is very harsh and must be merely a heavy reprimand and one day suspension only. He did not sign the Resolution No. 2009 – 255. Hon. Pedro M. Garcia did not sign it too.

The notice of suspension was served Mayor Maming in his office early in the morning of Monday, October 12, 2009. Vice Mayor Melanio M. Rentillo, Jr. is now the Mayor of Banga, at least for the next three months. /MP

1 comment:

  1. Is it true that Mayor Maming is planning to contest the position of Governor Marquez?
