Thursday, October 15, 2009

Retracing The Past


The Balangay with its crew members headed by Janet Belarmino-Sardena as it leaves Boracay Jetty Port for Batan Municipal Port, Batan, Aklan on Tuesday, October 6.

Janet & Megs

Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Filipino people, the Austronesian speaking people traveled from the Asian mainland by land bridges across the continental shelf to the South East Asian archipelago. They then sailed onward to as far East as Polynesia, and as far West as Madagascar, aboard the ancient vessel: the "Balangay".

To retrace the routes, the "Kaya ng Pinoy, Inc.," launches an exciting, new undertaking to retrace the migration of our ancestors across the oceans using only the native Balangay, strongly built, faithfully, and carefully crafted. The materials used were hard and aged wood during the ancient times. Navigation will follow the method that was used by the earliest mariners - steered and guided by the sun, the stars, the wind, cloud formations, wave patterns and birds migrations.

Last October 4, the Balangay Team surprisingly visited Aklan State University - Ibajay Campus. The visit enabled the ASU Community to meet face to face the Filipino Modern Heroes: Mt. Everest Team 2007 who traversed the trail to Mt. Everest Summit, 29,035 feet above sea level, the highest mountain in the world.

The team was composed of Lito Esparar, Leo Oracion, Janet Belarmino-Sardena, Carina Dayondon and Fred Jamili. They climbed the mountain. This team, this time with the Balangay will navigate and is now navigating the oceans to retrace the voyage of the ancient Filipinos with the Balangay. The Mt. Everest Team is reinforced by men from the Philippine Navy headed by SN2 Michael Loyola of the Philippine Coast Guard. PO1 Reynaldo Godoy is Chief Captain of the Balangay boat. The makers of the Balangay boat are our Badjao brothers from Mindanao.

Their Balangay is made out of hard wood cut from Siboto, Tawi-tawi. Their success in Mt. Everest and sea voyage are proving that anything is possible if people are united and have teamwork. The consistency of their values defeated hardships and challenges they have undergone as demonstrated in the Mt. Everest success. They also would like to educate the children and the people to take good care of our environment and respect our mother nature. The boat itself symbolizes UNITY and TEAMWORK, as they paddled up with the "layag" for their source of strength to be able to go port to port around the Philippines.

"Diwata ng Lahi" as they call their Badjao made Balangay boat comes with the greatest respect to the vast water area of the beloved Philippines’ 7,107 islands and islets. They hope to bring to the people in each of their destinations the preservation of our history and culture. "Balangay" means Barangay.

It started as a dream of one team and its 5 summiteers, fueled with determination, driven with national pride. The dream of climbing Mt. Everest has become a reality. On the 27th June 2009, Kaya ng Pinoy, embarked to a new adventure, from the mountains, to the seas, an epic voyage must begin, the Voyage of the Balangay. "Kaya ng Pinoy" with the team members’ thumbs up gesture everytime they are on shoot/pictorial rings a bell to us all. Yes, we can do it.

The Voyage of The Balangay is a dream come true. The Balangay Team Leader Janet Belarmino – Sardena, in her power point presentation was very emphatic. She quoted Dr. Jose P. Rizal: "Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makararating sa paparuonan", their voyage is anchored on the wisdom of Rizal.

In her power point presentation in the Kalibo Municipal Hall, Kalibo, Aklan, Janet impressed upon those present the essence of loyalty and love of country in order to effect and propel progress. That anything is possible for a person or group of persons united in purpose, determined, and do things as a team.

Her audience, Kalibo Mayor Raymar A. Rebaldo, former Cong. Allen S. Quimpo, members of Kalibo SB Lilian Quimpo Tirol, Ronce Reyes, Gregorio Malapad, Emmanuel Soviet Russia Dela Cruz, LGU employees and students were mesmerized.

They climbed the Summit of Mt. Everest and now retracing the past to demonstrate to the Filipino people the true love and loyalty to country, the Philippines. Their voyage will inculcate upon the people the value of unity, teamwork, honesty, and hard work.
With their hard, dark skin, they are now the true sea farer.
The Balangay crew is composed of Mt. Everest Team, Philippines Navy, Coast Guards, and Badjao from Siboto, Tawi-tawi.

They are Janet Belarmino-Sardena – Team Leader, Corina Dayondon, Fred Jawili, Leo Oracion, and Lito Esparar – mountaineers; Ronel Santelices, Janet Bonosa, Nelson Ojano, and Mike Loyola – Philippine Navy and Coast Guard. The Badjaos are Ibrahim Abdulah, Sukri Jauhal, Junior Mura, and Abdul Abdulah. /MP

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