Sunday, December 20, 2009

No Holds Barred

Politics of Deception
by Recto I. Vidal
It’s been a week of media frenzy where our province mates were treated to the onslaught of political advertisements assaulting our aural and auditory senses.

Too bad, most of us don’t know what and whom to believe the amount of political propaganda now lording our political atmosphere.

Thus, it is wise for our voters to view these political ads with keener eye. These may be sugarcoated just to entice them from voting even those incompetent.

Many are packaging themselves as the ones who can bring the gullible voters into their hope of deliverance. Actually, some of them are wolves clothed on sheep’s as they shamelessly prey on their hapless, innocent constituents.

A lot of them promise the moon and the stars but end up giving nightmares to their constituents by shoving into their throats inept public service, impassable roads, lousy social services, flooded streets, unsolved trash problem, raiding the coffers of the local treasury and most of all, mediocre governance that is bereft of transparency, accountability, and responsibility.

The 2010 elections is being viewed as payback time for us voters who want to get back at those inefficient officials who think nothing but insult the sensibilities thereby taking advantage of the gullibility of their poor constituents who are forever at their mercy.

It would be prudent for the voters not to be deluded to think that these so called politicos who have the penchant for mouthing motherhood slogans can save them from eternal damnation. No way! Not in our lifetime. All they are thinking are their self-serving interests and how they would perpetuate themselves into power till hell freezes over.

So, it is quite sensible to take a critical look into the track records of these aspirants to determine the sincerity of their intentions. As an old adage would have it, it is better to be careful than be sorry for one’s indiscretions. /MP

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