Sunday, December 20, 2009

Stop It. Back Leader Tells Aling Dionisia

CALGARY, Canada – The spokesman of the Color People Advance-ment Community (CPAC) in Las Vegas, Nevada has appealed to the newly crowned World Boxing Organization (WBO) welterweight king Manny Pacquiao to ask his mother to be careful with using "politically incorrect" words when uttering public remarks "so as not to inflame emotional outrage" from certain groups or individuals in the United States.

Rodney Surat Whiterspoon, a civil rights activist and CPAC spokesman, said Dionisia, Pacquiao’s mother, may not have realized it is "improper" to use the word "nigger" or "negro" when referring to the black members of the community in the United States.

"She can be forgiven as she appeared to have been disoriented when she used the word ‘negro’ but someone with basic understanding about the proper use of addressing color people in the United States should educate Madame (Aling Dionisia) Pacquiao," Whiterspoon said in a statement released.
Whiterspoon was referring to Aling Dionisia’s emotional speech delivered after a Sunday mass at the annex building of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas where she narrated how she became emotionally distressed while witnessing the actual fight between her son and Miguel Angel Cotto at the MGM Grand last November 14.

She told the crowd in vernacular that "I was screaming and yelling at my son to quit because I knew he was suffering and hurting. I offered my life in exchange for the punishment that he was taking."

Aling Dionisia suddenly brought the house down when she blurted, "I thank not only the Filipinos but also the Americans and the niggers."

Nobody told the mother Pacquiao that some of those listening in the crowd didn’t find her statement hilarious although everyone burst into laughter.
Most of those present, however, thought Aling Dionisia didn’t mean any harm to anybody or group when she uttered the statement as she is reportedly not culturally literate.

"She spoke from the bottom of her heart and there was no malice whatsoever except that everybody found her funny," quipped a male Irish national who attended the mass just to see the newly crowned WBO champion.

News of the incident quickly spread until it reached the attention of the CPAC.

Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct) is a term denoting language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social offense in gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, handicap, and age-related contexts. In current usage, the terms are almost exclusively pejorative, connoting "intolerant" and "intolerance", according to Wikipedia.

"Politically incorrect" reportedly denotes language, ideas, and behavior, unconstrained by orthodoxy and the fear of giving offense. /MP

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