Thursday, July 22, 2010

ASU and Seoul National University on Vet Med mission

The Aklan State University through its School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM) and the Extension and Community Services Unit will conduct a Veterinary Medical Mission in six municipalities of Aklan including Boracay Island from July 19 to 27, 2010.

Three Veterinary Professors and 20 Veterinary Clinicians from Seoul National University–College of Veterinary Medicine in Seoul, South Korea together with the Dean of SVM, Dr. Cecilia T. Reyes and faculty members will compose the medical mission.

The medical mission will consist of surgical procedures such as spaying /castration, deworming, vaccination and treatment of clinical cases of carabaos, cattle, goat and dogs.

Pet owners can avail of the free services on the following schedule: July 19 – Libacao; July 20 – Balete; July 21 – Altavas; July 22 – Batan; July 23 – Kalibo; July 24 – Malay; July 26-27 – Boracay Island.

Information, Education and Communication materials on responsible pet ownership will be distri-buted during the veterinary medical mission. (S. R. Villasis, ASU-ECS) /MP

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