Thursday, July 22, 2010

ASU Hosts Normative Funding & Income Management In SUCs Workshop

A two-day Training-Workshop on Normative Funding and Financial Management on the Utilization of Income in State Universities and Colleges opened last week at the ASU Review Center, Banga, Aklan.

The Training highlighted the message of Hon. Hadja Luningning Misuarez-Umar, com-missioner, Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

Resource Persons from CHED and Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges VI were invited and talked on related topics such as Normative Funding, Policy on the Use of Internally Generated Income, and Budgeting and Financial Reporting of Income.

Around 150 participants attended the workshop comprised of presidents, vice presidents for administration, human resource management officers, budget officers and registrars from the different state universities and colleges in Regions 8, 10, 11 and CARAGA.
Region VI SUCs Governing Boards Convene At ASU
The Second Quarter Regular Board of Trustees/Regents Meeting for Region VI is hosted by the Aklan State University (ASU) last week at the ASU Conference Hall, Banga, Aklan.

Hon. Hadja Luningning Misuarez-Umar, commissioner, Commission on Higher Education and Chair-Designate for State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Region VI presided the meeting.

The 10 SUCs presidents from Guimaras State College; Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College; Negros State College of Agriculture; University of Antique; Western Visayas College of Science and Technology; Capiz State University; Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology; Iloilo State College of Fisheries; Carlos Hilado Memorial State College; and ASU attended the meeting as vice chairs of the Boards. Likewise, the respective representatives of federation of supreme student councils, federation of faculty associations and federation of alumni associations also attended.

Common to all BOT/BOR are the representatives of Senate Committee on Education, Arts and Culture, House Committee on Higher and Technical Education, Regional Directors of National Economic Development Authority, Department of Agriculture and Department of Science and Technology. (SR. Villasis)/MP

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