Thursday, August 26, 2010

NPAs In South Panay Is Dwindling

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Iloilo City disclosed that the activities of the New People’s Army (NPA) in the Southern Panay are dwindling significantly.
The AFP said that they neutralized several communist fronts in Western Visayas which resulted to the weakening of the rebel force in the areas of central and southern Panay, said 3rd Infantry Division (3ID) public information officer 1Lt. Mark Andrew Posadas.

The military have reduced the number of guerrilla fronts in the past two years. In Panay alone, the number of fronts was reduced to two from four guerrilla fronts in the past four years, Posadas said.

Likewise, the NPAs’ force to launch full-scale tactical offensives has greatly diminished. They are now resorting to "desperate attacks" and even harassing innocent civilians and CAFGU detachments, Posadas reported.

"These are futile attempts" said Posadas. "More than ever, they are now experiencing a hard life in the mountains. The people don’t support them anymore. That’s why, to advance their extortion rackets, they want to project that they are still a force to reckon with," Posadas claimed.

Meantime, 1LT Manuel Marcon of the 82IB is currently directing operations in the southern area of Panay. According to him, the NPAs attempts recently failed.

"If they keep this up, they will run out of ammunition and our job of rounding them up will be a lot easier," Marcon added. (PNA) /MP

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