Thursday, August 26, 2010

PCA Encourages Farmers To Plant Coconuts

The Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) is encouraging more farmers to participate in their program of massive coconut tree planting and thereby receive incentives.

PCA Regional Manager III Jose S. Cruz said that for the first batch of coconut tree planting, they have already realized the planting of one (1) million coconut trees this year. For the second batch, they are targeting to plant half a million with seedlings now at the nurseries.

Manager Cruz said that farmers wanting to participate in the coconut planting can just contact their provincial PCA offices or the municipal agriculture officers on how they can join in the program.

The PCA under the direction of their administrator Oscar G. Garin for the second batch of coconut tree planting is giving a total incentive of P30 for each planting material that is being religiously cultivated.

Of the P30 per seedling given to the farmer, P14 of this is given for the coconut seedling that has now grown two feet in germination and P16 for the seedling now stabilized in the farm.

According to Manager Cruz, Western Visayas has now around 340,000 to 360,000 coconut farmers, many of whom have been encouraged to plant coconuts because of the incentive.

"Although, for the first batch of coconut seedlings, the El Nino phenomenon has affected the planting of coconut trees, but some plants still survived," the PCA official contended.

The once described sunset industry is now becoming a rising industry with the farmers encouraged to plant more coconut trees that has many uses and health benefits like for those diabetics.

To highlight the importance of the coconut industry, the PCA will also hold the 14th Regional Coconut Celebration on August 25 to 27 in Kalibo, Aklan being the top producing province in Western Visayas.

14th Regional Coconut Celebration

The 14th Regional Coconut Celebration will be held on August 25-27 at the Aklan Provincial Capitol Trade Hall.

Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) Regional Manager Jose S. Cruz said, "in line with this year’s theme "Niyog, Yaman ng Pinoy", they have scheduled several activities to highlight the importance of the coconut industry in the economy."

On August 25, the event kicked off with a motorcade around Kalibo and then the ribbon cutting of the Diorama at the trade hall, Capitol Ground, Estancia, Kalibo.

On August 26, the formal opening of the 14th Coconut Celebrations took place.

Cruz tackled the significance of the coconut celebration with the Department of Agri-culture Regional Executive Director Larry Nacionales on the Coconut Road Map for Agri-Biz in Western Visayas.

PCA administrator Oscar G. Garin also presented the status of the national coconut industry.

Aklan Cong. Florencio T. Miraflores was the keynote speaker. Aklan Gov. Carlito S. Marquez also delivered a message.

A Coconut Quiz Bee was held in the afternoon of August 26.

On August 27, there was Coconut Clinic, Film Showing, and the Diorama.

Cruz said Aklan was chosen as the main venue for the celebration being the top coconut-producing province in Western Visayas. (PNA) /MP

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