Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Awardee

Tony Tan Caktiong, Entrepreneur of the Year Philippines 2003 and World Entrepreneur of the Year 2004 awardee is the CEO of Jollibee Food Corp. A private and soft spoken person, was the Inspirational Speaker during the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur Awards Night on October 23, 2010 at the Manila Peninsula. Caktiong said, "accepting the awards in 2003 and 2004 bore a great responsibility, with humility, accountability, trust and social responsibility as his core values. ‘Who are we and what we resulted from the hard work of many people, from a simple utility employee to a kid who simply enjoys a Jollibee party. Over the century, a Jollibee store that is successful and the assets they acquired for many years now has been our country’s official indicator of eco-development while "Bee" in Jollibee is symbol of happiness for many.

This year’s awards night adopted the theme : ‘BELIEVE’. For being an entrepreneur, the awardees all agreed that you have to believe in your ideas, hopes and dreams. Despite the many setbacks and challenges along the way, a businessman has to remain true to his visions. All these businessmen advise the would—be entrepreneurs to not be afraid to fail, for it is not in the failure, but the determination to go on when the going gets tough.

Business Excellence Award for total quality management was awarded to Anthony Huang, Jr, Executive VP, Stores Specialist, Inc. and the 1st Capizeno who became a young billioner, Mr. Edgar Sia II, is the Small Medium Enterprise Entrepreneur of the Year. /MP

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