Thursday, October 28, 2010

Statiscal Exhibit Reveals “Surprising, Shocking” Data

It is shocking and surprising but true, since the data come straight from the National Statistics Office (NSO) – Aklan.

This was what the audience found out after attending the opening of the Statistical Exhibit held at the Provincial Trade Hall, Capitol grounds, Kalibo on October 19. The exhibit is one of the major highlights of Aklan’s celebration of the 21st National Statistics Month.

Preceded by question marks, the "shockers" came in four sets of ‘did you know? displayed for all to see by the NSO in its booth which went thus: ‘Did you know that of the total 5,899 registered births from January to August 2010, 54 percent were born legitimate, while 46 percent were born illegitimate?’

"Did you know that out of 2,241 registered deaths from January to August 2010 in Aklan, only 74 percent were attended by physicians while the remaining 26 percent died without seeing a doctor?"

"Did you know that the functional literacy rate of Aklan is 79.81 percent for male and 86.59 percent for females, higher than the regional average which is 77% and 84% respectively"?

"Did you know that the average life expectancy of a Filipino male is 68 while that of a woman is 74?"

For "shocker" number one, records from the NSO showed that of the 5,899 live births, babies born legitimate numbered 3,205 while those born illegi-timate numbered 2,694.

Of Aklan’s 17 municipalities, Kalibo registered the highest number of illegitimate babies with 929 for the period, while its legitimate babies were counted at 1,295.

There are also municipalities which has a big number of illegitimate babies compared with legitimates, like Malay, where Boracay Island is situated has 306 illegitimate babies for the period with 207 legitimates; Altavas, 115 illegitimates, 88 legitimates; Buruanga, 93 illegitimates, 69 legitimates; and Nabas, 126 illegitimates, 119 legitimates.

On the other hand, municipalities with higher number of legitimate babies compared to illegitimates include Balete – with 150 legitimates and 103 illegitimates; Banga, 124 legitimates and 112 illegitimates; Batan, 94 legitimates, 63 illegitimates; Ibajay, 246 legitimates, 204 illegitimates; Lezo, 52 illegitimates, 38 illegitimates; Libacao, 133 legitimates, 77 illegitimates; Madalag, 95 legitimates and 77 illegitimates; Makato, 124 legitimates and 91 illegitimates; Malinao, 82 legitimates and 81 illegitimates; New Washington, 167 legitimates and 162 illegitimates; Numancia, 76 legitimates and 61 illegitimates and Tangalan, 84 legitimates and 71 illegitimates.

Adrian Paul Pelayo, a statistician of the Aklan Provincial Population Office, Kalibo, Aklan pointed to one factor which caused Kalibo to have the highest number of births both legitimate and illegitimates. Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital is located in the capital town where most birthing mothers are brought, thus the births are recorded in Kalibo.

"Other towns hosting hospitals, like Ibajay and Malay, have higher birth rates too", Pelayo said.

The Statistical Exhibit ran from October 19 to 22. It was capped with a Presentation of Statistical Papers and Awarding Ceremonies. (PIA) /MP

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