Friday, May 06, 2011


Aklanon Men & Women

by Ernesto T. Solidum

The Kapihan forum on April 30, 2011 was graced by Samahan ng Kababaihan sa Barangay ng Kalibo (SKBK). Incidentally, that was a red letter day where its elected set of Federation Officers were sworn to office and the coronation of Ginang SKBK and her court by Gov. Carlito S. Marquez. Ms. Virginita Clavel, GAD Coordinator of Bureau of Local Development, DILG was the guest speaker.

Guests were Ms. Ma. Merlita Dionesio, 2nd runner up, Ms. Jenalyn C. Puyot, 1st Princess, Ms. Ma. Flores M. Bernabe, 3rd Princess, Ms. Remenerva P. Dela Cruz, Pres. Kawatihan, Pook, Ms. Susan P. Flaviano, Sec. Sakabaes, Ms. Lina M. Olid, Vice Pres. Fed. SKBK and Ms. Chita C. Heap, Adviser.

Ms. Editha S. Rubio, Fed. Pres. in her message said that women are incontrovertibility the strength of our species. I am committed to lead our Kababaihan to a harmonious society, accepted and morally uplifted in rendering community services.

Aware of the problems of the plight of women in her barangay of New Buswang, Ms. Rubio initially organized a small group of women volunteers to be productive, self reliant and victorious despite over-whelming odds. Success came in trickles but amazingly consistent. Today, 13 out of 16 barangays have pledged their unstinting support to the vision and mission of SKBK, a feat nobody can deny.

The Search of Ginang SKBK held March 30, 2011 at Magsaysay Park yielded a gross income of about P100,000 said Ms. Heap. However, this is not enough to defray for income generating projects and planned education seminars. There is a lot of ground to cover and stones to turn said the lady entrepreneur.

As observed, there is a lot of enthusiasm and zeal among SKBK officers and members to realize their objective despite demanding task of family and homemaking chores. Equally significant is the unwavering support of their husbands and children as they engage in community services rather than their own. Usually, Saturdays are utilized for community services hence we have to budget our time says Ms. Puyot.

Credit could be attributed to the untiring support of Hon. Daisy S. Briones, Hon. Madeline A. Regalado, Hon. Nilda B. Tambong, and Ms. Chita Dela Cruz Heap.

According to an article in the Washington Post, countries tend to be prosperous, peaceful, and stable where the gender gap is narrow.

Evidently, the struggle of women to be empowered could be an uphill climb. An excerpt from a March 2011 article of Newsweek magazine claims that in many Asian countries, girls are less looked after than boys because they are economically undervalued. The kind of domestic work they typically do is seen as less important than paid work done by men. And of course, early marriage and minimal birth control expose them to the risk of multiple pregnancies.

Economist Amanteza Sen said that modern life has exacerbated the problem of gender gap because, there is a cultural preference for sons over daughters and this leads to selective abortion of female fetuses, a practice made possible by ultrasound scanning, despite legal prohibitions. American Feminist May Anne Warren calls it "gendercide" and notoriously common in Northwestern India, and China.

Research shows that companies with more female employees made more money because they tend to take into consideration the rights of others. And recent history makes clear that nations that oppress women are extremely dangerous. Aggression on global scale are led by Japan, Germany, Algeria, El Salvador, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. Unless women are treated as equal partners in the human race we are less secure and certainly less interesting.

Here is a sobering thought to women groups striving for equality with men. According to Kathleen Parker, "we are trying not just to be as good as men but to be men. I have the neckties to prove it. It turns out that women make lousy men, a fact we should be grateful rather than apologetic. As a group we are at home at some things but better at others the very "others" it also turns out that happens to be driving today’s economy and that of the future". Pertinent data show that only three percent of the Fortune 500 CEO’s are women. In Britain, there is paucity of women in corporate board positions.

Gender Advocacy for Development Commission (GADC) headed by the Provincial Governor has provided for growth and develop-ment of community-based organizations like SKBK. Indeed, challenge toward stability and attainment of its objectives have barely began. Definitely it requires total commitment to organizational goals, not empty promises. Recognition must be made that women given their full potential to serve are invaluable partners toward nation building rather than a threat to man’s stature and dignity. /MP

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