Friday, May 06, 2011

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Shoplifter Enhances Ugliness

The Metro Kalibo Water District (MKWD) Board of Directors approved Resolution No. 081 Series of 2010 (08) on December 6, 2010. This resolution authorized the increase of water rate for different classifications and would have been effective in the January 2011 billing.

However, when its concessionaries knew of the probable rate increases, there was a big and loud protest against the rate increases.

In response, MKWD Board through its chairperson, announced the halt of the collection rate increases during a radio interview in Kalibo.

However, without anymore announcing, MKWD effected the implementation of the rate increases in its April – May billing. For those classified as Commercial/Industrial the increase is from P340 to P410 minimum of 10 cubic meters even if the 10 cubic meters of water is not fully consumed for the month. This is a P70.00 or 21 percent increase over the 2010 water rate.

The months (January – April) period, MKWD just let it passed to cool off the temper of the water concessionaires in Kalibo and suddenly, MKWD implemented the rate increase without any warning. It just included the price increases in its May 2011 bill.
But is the rate increase really necessary? Does MKWD badly need rate increase to effect normal operation? Are its personnel poorly paid?

How much 2010 Christmas benefits did MKWD officials and personnel each received?

MKWD 2007 report reveals the following:
1. Total Asset – P330,649,701.34;
2. Gross Income – 94,615,314.82;
3. Operational Expenses – P78,323,541.13;
4. Net Income before tax – P17,145,965.90

MKWD Management has not released its 2008, 2009, and 2010 operations reports. According to the letter from General Manager Renato Albar, its reports for the above stated years are not yet audited.

However, it is highly possible that MKWD has made millions of pesos net gains yearly considering its high collection efficiency and the excellent cooperation of its consumers.

But until what extent does the MKWD squeeze juice from each water consumers? MKWD must minimize its propensity to collect additional cash for the natural resource that it gathers and distributes to the people of Kalibo, Banga, New Washington, and Balete.

Water districts are organized to provide potable water supply services to the people at a highly affordable rate. Water districts are not organized to effect big annual net profits, but to a break even point.

It is difficult to imagine why MKWD charges P41 per cubic meter of water minimum plus P10 for meter rental monthly. This rate is one of the highest if not the highest in the Philippines.

Our office has one cubic meter consumption a month. Since the minimum consumption and charges are 10 cubic meters per month plus P10 meter rental we pay P420 total per month. My water is probably the most expensive in the world.

To have a clear view of the quantity of one cubic meter of water, one may secure a container measuring 2 feet wide, 2 feet long, and 4 feet high. This container can be filled with ½ cubic meter of water or two containers of the size will contain one cubic meter.

Will the MKWD continue charging its consumers of water at the increased rate? This is added cross to carry.


On Tuesday, May 3, Kalibo PNP apprehended a pregnant woman shoplifting. According to reports, she shoplifted beauty products like body lotion.

Why do people resort to stealing to acquire something? Aklan is a very rich province of natural resources if the people are just industrious to work and scratch the earth surface to produce food for consumption and for sale or exchange with other materials the people needs.

These thieves are just so lazy to work and earn their living.

That pregnant woman wants to become pretty but so lazy to work to earn money to buy materials to improve her physical appearance.

Her apprehension as a thief rendered her much uglier. /MP

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