Friday, July 01, 2011

Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Project

The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) and Finnish Red Cross (FRC) have aggreed to implement a bilateral program called Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Aklan. The FRC will provide the funding of 90,000 Euros for two years. The PRC will do the implementation of the project for the next two years which already started six months ago.

This project will be implemented in five barangays which are Aliputos and Bulwang in Numancia, and Mobo, Bakhao Sur and Bakhao Norte, Kalibo. Last week, the implementors attended a six-days training on Community Based Disaster Manage-ment. It was held in Sampaguita Gardens, New Washington, Aklan on June 20 - 25, 2011. The participants are those directly involved in project implementation. They are community leaders of the five barangays, teachers, LGU officials, and PRC volunteers. One of the highlights of the training was the election and inductionof officers of the said barangays project area.

Memorandum of Partnership Agreement was signed between the PRC on one hand and the Municipality of Kalibo and Numancia on the other hand.

Barangays Aliputos and Bulwang, Numancia and barangays Bakhao Sur, Bakhao Norte and Mobo are among the most affected by typhoon Frank in June 2008. They were part of ARC’s extensive emergency relief operation.

All these targeted barangays face the sea or rest along the Aklan river. The project activities to be done in each five barangays are: 1. Community Based Risk Reduction, 2. School - Based Disaster Risk Reduction, and 3. Strengthen Organizational Preparedness.

The BDATs will undergo a nine-day training in disaster risk reduction, how to conduct a vulnerability and capacity assessment, and BDAT team will be equiped with standard PRC basic kit including megaphone, shovels, jump kits, raincoats, boots, and BDAT vests. /MP

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