Friday, July 01, 2011

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Congratulations! Chris Arenas

The Sangguniang Bayan of Malay with the Municipal Mayor approved a Municipal Ordinance No. 96 – 97. This ordinance provides a 25 meter setback from markers installed by the Department of Tourism in the 1980s. This 25 meter setback is termed "no build zone" area.

Moreover, an additional five meter setback is added from the edge of the no built area. Thus 25 + 5 meters therefore are actually no build zone and reserve for the public enjoyment.

But who cares of that Malay, Aklan ordinance? Hundreds of structures were built in Boracay Island Resort, but nobody and nobody gave a damn to that Municipal Ordinance No. 96 – 97. They just constructed any structure of their dream in violation of national, provincial, municipal and barangay laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. They hallucinated, they are above legal orders and violated it, disregard it. Even officials in Metro Manila allowed those illegal acts.

And now, they are back to their senses. They are realizing obeying legal olders are drafted and approved for their compliance and above all for their protection. But still some are stubborn.

Malay Mayor John Yap fired the first bullet to the West Cove to close it because it never complied with all the laws in its construction; it seemed to resist the order. But the order of Mayor Yap is good and disobeying it is evil. Therefore, now Mr. Crisostomo "Cris" Aquino who is fronting for Mr. Manny Pacman Pacquiao has requested Mayor Yap to delay the implementation of the closure order until he has complied with his contracts with his resort clients. Shame to Cris Aquino!

On the other hand, this column heartily congratulates Chris Arenas who voluntarily started demolishing his beach house in Boracay at Din-iwid, the Jimster Resto Bar building because it contravened the island’s beach setback of 25 + 5 meters.

According to him "the threat of global warning and the consequent sea level rise are factors in his decision to demolish his structure in a no build zone" area.

He is well concerned of the community welfare and he needs to work hand in hand. Cris Arenas is now in his right senses.

The action of Chris Arenas is well received. He must be highly applauded for his community concern.

Those who continuously violate the laws and order must be sanctioned. How about that Mayor Yap? Please continue the good work, and issue closure orders to those resorts which grossly violated all national and local laws.

Thank You Haresco

In a report of Miss Gloria Villas, upon the request of Kalibo Mayor William Lachica, the Sangguniang Bayan of Kalibo has approved a Resolution of Thanks addressed to Hon. Teodorico Haresco, Jr. of Kasangga Party List for his financial assistance to Kalibo.

Haresco has appropriated P1.5 million for the rehabilitation of L. Barrios St., Pob., Kalibo.

The money came from Haresco’s Priority Development Assistant Project. The Resolution of Appreciation and Thanks is authored by Hon. George Quimpo.

No Budget

The Sangguniang Bayan of Numancia voted against the budget proposal of Mayor Adolfo Iligan in its meeting held on June 28. This disapproval is a great challenge to the leadership of Mayor Iligan. /MP

1 comment:

  1. Arenas is a squatter, he does not own the property in Boracay. The mayor, governor and DENR officials only know that too well.
