Thursday, July 07, 2011

The Controversial 2011 Numancia Budget

by Ernesto T. Solidum

The weekly Kapihan at Smokehauz Resto & Bar on July 2, 2011 was marked by heated debate and concern over controversial failure to pass Numancia’s 2011 Annual Budget. The guests were: Mayor Adolfo Iligan, Vice Mayor Evangeline M. Ibabao, Ms. Jaimma V. Maribojo, Municipal Budget Officer, Ms. Gina V. Visoria, Admin. Asst. II and SB members: Arcel S. Tabuena, Domingo Ibabao, Jr., Bayani Cordova, Atty. Felimon C. Fernandez, and Romeo Ricafuente.

Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino said that Section 316 of RA 7160 or Local Gov’t. Code of 1991 states that the Local Finance Committee (LFC) shall assist the Sangguniang Bayan in the preparation of annual budget. This is a consolidation of budget proposals by different departments/divisions out of local funds and presented for consideration and approval by the SB. The documents to be submitted by Municipal Budget Officer had a yearly deadline every October 16th.

It is with gravest concern that SB of Numancia failed to act on this important piece of legislation that would improve the lives of its citizens. Rather than delve on differences, each one must show restraint and urge contending parties to unite, advised the former Vice Governor.

Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente is grateful for the Municipal Officials of Numancia to come together to the Kapihan forum for a dialogue and resolution of the controversy. The budget of the municipality is based on income and expenditures set by Department of Budget and Management (DBM). It is on this context that all parties must resolve the issue, said the Entrepreneurial Farmer.

Mayor Iligan expressed big disappointment after SB members of Numancia failed to pass the P47 million budget for 2011. Citing Supreme Court decision upholding the right of Negros Occidental Electric Coop officials not to appear before SP session because of violation of principles under ERC, Mayor Iligan said that in a similar manner, the Numancia SB has no right whatsoever to disapprove the Executive Budget proposal.

It is patently false that I advised our department heads to skip attendance in SB budget hearings or not to cooperate with them to pass the budget. What is more damning and humiliating than being on the proverbial hot seat and grilled about perceived anomalies in your department? He asked. After clarifying his stand, Mayor Iligan exited himself.

Ms. Maribojo maintains that statutory provisions were complied with in the preparation of Numancia Executive Budget. It is based on 90 percent Internal Revenue Allotment and 10 percent local revenues. Although the deadline for submission was October 16, 2010, it was finally forwarded on November 24, 2010.

"It stands on record that members of Local Finance Committee (LFC) attended 10 SB sessions on budget deliberation. However, despite our genuine intention and cooperation, we experienced personal harassment. Actually, they (SB members) are only apt for fishing expedition. Until June 28, 2011, the 2011 budget of Numancia needs approval", Maribojo stressed.

Vice Mayor Ibabao disclosed that indeed, there are certain items in the executive budget that need to be justified. However, with the non appearance of LFC members to shed light, there was no way to consider them.

Atty. Felimon Fernandez, Pres., League of Brgy. Capts. of Numancia said that in all fairness, the SB never abdicated its solemn pledge to protect the rights and interest of Numanciahanons. SB sessions are regularly held every Tuesday of each week. Given the limited time to pass annual budget, we made extra precautions to examine the contents. Our brain-storming sessions went on smoothly until February 15, 2011. However, on February 22, things went awry. No LFC member attended despite our request. So our session was suspended. The main reason is the office memo of Mayor Iligan advising them to boycott SB sessions. Based on budgetary guidelines, failure to pass the 2011 annual budget, the 2010 budget shall be deemed re-enacted, said the former DBP Legal Officer.

Hon. Cordova has the letter of Mayor Iligan to prove that LFC members were advised to boycott SB deliberations. There are a number of items that need to be clarified and justified like: Gender Advocacy for Development, Notice of Disallowance by Com-mission On Audit (COA) on salary adjustment in 2010, Non-appropriation for retirement benefits of SK Federation President, and employee of Agricultural Services Division.

It must be underscored that authority to make appropriation and salary adjustments are vested only in the SB. Notice of violation of COA rules and regulation by Office of Municipal Treasurer is valid simply because there is no SB resolution to that effect. Disbursements under RA 6730 is therefore illegal and must be paid back by respondents, Hon. Cordova believes.

Controversy on 2011 budget of Numancia arose because of failed human relationship. The Executive and Legislative branches of government are co-equal and independent yet by function they must cooperate with each other. Baring differences of political opinion, they must strive to come out with the best option given the resources at hand.

Bullying and stone-walling are tactics in the arsenal of scoundrels. For instance, what is wrong with asking a simple question as why the double working personality of Ms. Jaimma Maribojo? She is both a Budget Officer and MSWD Chief at the same time. One wonders whether this kind of local arrangement is sanctioned by the Civil Service Commission.

Going to more meaty matters, why include the 2nd tranch of salary adjustments when this was disallowed by COA? Why is there no appropriation for retirees under the Employment Compensation Benefits? These are legitimate questions.

Fortunately, the 2012 annual budget of Numancia is now being prepared by the Municipal Budget Officer. It is expected that more openness and accommodation on the contentious issues that prevailed earlier be ironed out. Otherwise, Numancia will experience stunted economic, physical and social growth. Clearly, the stakes are high to develop our communities with a responsive and transparent budgetary plan. This is not because it is the right thing to do but an obsession anchored on democratic ideals of governance. /MP

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