Thursday, July 07, 2011

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Strict Implementation of Fishery Laws

A fishery expert believes the rich tuna industry in Tibiao, Antique will be "revived if authorities would strictly implement the Philippines Fishery Laws".

This is the conclusion of Flord Nicson Calawag, a UP fishery graduate. Why, are fishery laws left as mere scrap of papers by the Department of Agriculture? Not being implemented?

According to Calawag, based on his study, tuna fishes follow water current from the Philippines, to Japan, to California, and to the Pacific.

The tuna breeds in Samar and Leyte, follow the water current leading to General Santos City where most tuna fishes are caught.

But some of these tuna fishes are bound to take the short cut route in the Visayan Sea towards the Guimaras Strait, then to Cuyo East Paso, Palawan via the waters of Tibiao, Antique. "This makes Barangays Malabor one of the best fishing grounds for tuna fishing", said Calawag who used to catch tuna fishes as big as those being caught in General Santos City.

I believe Calawag as most of the huge tuna fishes sold in Aklan as early as the 1950’s came from Tibiao, Antique.


NEDA Regional Director Ro-Ann Bacal is bragging too much. In a PNA report, Bacal attributed the improvement made in Caticlan Airport as a big accomplishment of President Aquino. Perhaps, the NEDA Regional Director did not know that Caticlan Airport improvement is solely undertaken by the San Miguel Corporation.

Bacal also boasted the P4 billion Panay Flood Control Project in Capiz which funding is yet uncertain. Why claim "various accomplishments when nothing is done yet?

Then Bacal added, "the search is on for fund for the Jalaur Multi-Purpose Project Phase II". This is not accomplishment but a dream.

Bacal is not contented. He also reported, "NEDA and the RDC are…working closely with the Department of Energy…for renewable energy to make sure more cheaper source of power are generated…" When did you last reduce the price of energy? Never! I am yet to hear an announcement the cost of electricity is reduced.

But I only hear announcement on the increase rate of power. The last was two months ago which was P1.60 plus per kilowatt hour.

President Aquino needs factual report and not attributing to him something completed but in reality false report, none.


His Excellency, President Noynoy Aquino visited Aklan to inaugurate Caticlan Airport San Miguel Corporation renovated. He spoke for 12 minutes in the second floor of the Airport Terminal where few visitors were accommodated.

He called Boracay "Bora" for three times. He did not know people of Malay like to call the Island Resort "Boracay" and never "Bora".

Is President Aquino afraid in Aklan? During his visit on June 25, he sent in advance hundreds of PSG personnel to assure his security. On Saturday morning, June 25 before his arrival, thousands of PNP officers were deployed. Hundreds of military men armed with high powered guns were deployed in areas President Aquino visited. Not only that. There were C-130 vehicles.

Is he afraid of Aklanons who are friendly and amiable people?

Aklanons love their president, but the recent presidential visit has disappointed and frustrated them. /MP

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