Thursday, August 11, 2011

Aklan Stakeholders Support Breaking Barriers And House Bill 3655


To continue strengthening the capacity of parents and guardians who have children with disabilities, The Breaking Barriers for Children and Young Adults with Disabilities (BBCY) a joint project of the Katipunan ng May Kapansanan sa Pilipinas, Inc. (KAMPI) and the Danish Society of Polio and Accident Victims funded by DANIDA held a three-day Training Work-shop on Improving the Caring Capacities of the Nurturers of Children with Disabilities on August 3-5, 2011 at the Aklan Training Center, Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan.

The first two-day lectures included the topics on Effective Management of Children with Behavioral and Learning Disability by Rizalinda C.ansanay, President of Laguna Chapter – Autism Soceity of the Phils (ASP); Effective Management of Children with Visual Impairment by Milagros Wayno, Rehabilitation Specialist Resources for the Blind; Effective Manage-ment of Children with Hearing Impairment/Deaf by Jose Sales, Finance Officer BBCY, Board, Phil. Federation of the Deaf, and Effective Management of Children on Physical Impairment by Araceli Socorro Estoce, Senior Pedia PT Consultant, Therabilities Liaison Officer, Bobath Advocacy Group.

Ms. Hazel Joy Borja, Vice Director of BBCY gave the Overview and Objectives of the Training, Mr. Zaldy Paderes, Governor for Region VI, KAMPI welcomed the participants from Capiz, Iloilo, Guimaras and Aklan, while Aklan Gov. Carlito S. Marquez and Josephine de Vera, President KAMPI gave their messages.

The main goal of BBC is to promote the rights and improve the living condition of CWD’s in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) with its purpose to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedom by all persons with disabilities and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.

The 2000 Population Census and Housing in the Philippines recorded 942,098 persons with disabilities (PWD) or about 1.23 percent of the total population in the country. It is estimated that one in 20 households has at least one member with disability, half of whom are not able to attend and finish elementary education. More than 40 percent of PWD’s do not gain employment, while most of them do not attend school or have finished any grade level.

In line with the training, all LGU’s in the Philippines are encouraged to support and adopt the BCC project. Bayan Muna Representative Teddy Casino has authored House Bill 3665 otherwise known as the Youth with Disabilities Empowerment Act of 2010. This seeks to establish STA Centers in every city and municipality in the Philippines to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services to children and young adults with disabilities. The bill is in line with Republic Act No. 7277 or the Magna Carta for Person with Disabilities and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

House Bill 3665 is inspired by the 15-year old initiatives and accomplish-ments of the BBCY project. At present, BBCY has established 138 Stimulation and Therapeutic Activity Centers (STAC) for CWD’s across the country and later on, the Training and Development Centers (TDC) for the YAWDs. Both centers envision to build and provide better lives for its beneficiaries. All children and young adults with disabilities (CWD’s/YAWD’s) shall directly benefit from the proposed Bill especially the indigent and underprivileged.

House Bill 3665 if approved will provide functions like Physical Rehabilitation, Social Rehabilitation, Educational Component, Psychosocial Component and Information and Resource Center. It will be implemented by The National Council on Disability Affairs in collaboration with the Department of Social Welfare and Development under LGU supervision.

Vice Gov. Gabrielle Calizo-Quimpo of the Province of Aklan, one of the guest speakers during the forum reported that a supplemental budget of P450K for the initial establishment and the operations of STA Center in Aklan have been approved. The municipalities of Kalibo, Banga, Altavas Malinao, Makato, Ibajay, Nabas, Tangalan and Malay have STAC center. /MP

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