Thursday, August 11, 2011

MIS Joins Planting 1.5 Billion Trees

by Lourdes V. Tesoro

Makato Integrated School (MIS) joined in the planting of the 1.5 billion trees for School Year (SY) 2011 – 2016 in compliance to Executive Order No. 26, Series of 2011. This is the National Greening Program (NGP) declared as government priority that took effect on June 12, 2011 coinciding with Pinoy One Billion Tress Project.

The project aims to restore ecology with high level biodiversity so that pretty birds will come back to sing lovely songs. MIS teachers, non-teaching personnel, students and all Grade V and VI pupils must plant a minimum of 10 seedlings each per year. They are asked to find means to have seedlings and must establish seed bank/plant nursery as source of planting materials.

We have availed of 100 Neem tree seedlings and 50 jackfruit seedlings potted in reused plastic bag. These planting materials came from plant nursery tended by Mr. Reynaldo T. Tumbokon, Agriculture teacher of MIS, assisted by Ms. Rona N. Castillon – H.E. coordinator of the District of Makato and Mr. Marth S. Tropa, MIS secondary teacher.

We will also include the planting of Kakawate along dikes at lowland and upland rice farms, and Bamboo, Anahaw, Ibyok in area prone to geologic hazard at Brgy. Agbalogo. This will be done in coordination with SB member Bobby Clyde M. Legaspi following the recommended technologies we read from Madyaas Pen’s Entrepreneurial Farmer. Avocado, Bugnay, Inyam, Camagong, and other fruit trees will also be planted for food, lumber, and to help mitigate climate change.

Neem tree is a medicinal plant, pest repellant, and use in the manufacture of soap. It is deep-rooted, prevents land slide and soil erosion. Its life span is believed to exist for 100 years in India.

Some of the participants in tree planting planted trees in their respective ancestral domain, in school, and community lot. MIS will also participate in massive tree planting in DENR selected site except along the site of the Strong Republic Nautical Highway for it maybe cut by unskilled ignorant LGU employees, and not assisted by professional environmentalist.

It is our aspiration that our tree planting activities contribute to achieve: 1. Food Security, 2. Poverty Alleviation, 3. Environmental Conservation, 4. Waste Management, and 5. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. /MP

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