Thursday, September 15, 2011

Aklan Hymn On Unity, Solidarity and Progress


The "Aklan Hymn" with tune and lyrics Dr. Jesse M. Gomez, CESO V composed presently adopted by Aklanons to be sung during official and social functions strikes a chord of awareness and realism. It rallies Aklanon spirit to be watchful and painstaking for making inroads to prosperity.

Considering that many Aklanons live and work abroad in a diaspora, the composer believes that they have not forgotten their roots. Thus, they look forward to the balikbayan episode that lost memories could be rekindled with loved ones at home. Perhaps notable case are Balikbayan Nights during fiesta celebration.

God is generous to us with myriad of blessings like our rich natural resources, cheerful and hospitable people. Reverence and homage to the Sto. NiƱo, a religious–cultural event serves as cornerstone and rallying point for Aklan’s rise to prominence and freedom.

Godofredo P. Ramos, the father of Aklan may be satisfied of the accomplish-ment of his people in terms of political maturity, strengthened socio eco-nomic infrastructure and vibrant tourism industry. In his State of the Province Address, Gov. Carlito S. Marquez declared "Aklan for the first time in 56 years has reached a milestone – the billion pesos budget. Thanks to the 60 percent IRA contribution. If not, the province would only be contented with barely P344 million for operational expenses."

I fully respect the integrity and credibility of the composer of Aklan Hymn. However, I would like to comment on the underlying theme of rendering paean or praise which evokes contentment and complacency on one’s life accomplishment. While there is assurance of love that binds families to the land of birth, it has not resulted in more productive ways so that Aklanons could rise to self-sufficiency and higher standard of living. In short, despite our 440 years of recorded history, half of the population of Aklan remains poor and destitute. This is corroborated by DSWD that 14 out of 17 towns are under the 4P’s (Pantawid, Pampamilya Pilipino Program).

It would be best to reiterate former Pres. Fidel V. Ramos’ campaign strategy on unity, solidarity, and transparency (UST) in pursuit of "Tiger Economy". Probably, it may have been forgotten over the years but it still rings out loud and clear that a theme song must inculcate these time honoured values. Tune must be crisp marching style lifting the spirit to new heights. UST may not be all encompassing since other traits like moral and social values may be highlighted. Cultural heritage of Aklan is so complex that original Malayan-Ati aborigines’ ways of life have been reinforced by Chinese. Spanish and American influences. Distinct Aklanon tongue however remained intact.

Above the criticism on the Aklan hymn may be out of place even uncalled for. I just wish to improve on what is considered the best. Nevertheless, it could not be denied that as a nation and people, we are divided and driven by personal motives. For concrete examples: Pres. Benigno C. Aquino III has Balay and Samar factions in his Cabinet while Cory C. Aquino had Council of Trent; Aklan has two press clubs: Aklan Press Club, Inc. and Aklan United Media Assn.; Rotarians have also two: Rotary Club of Kalibo and Rotary Club of Metro Kalibo. The list can be countless. It is for this domestic discord and disarray of plan and programs that we remain feudal and in servitude to foreign masters. I sincerely believed for a theme song that addresses the yearnings of the Aklanon spirit to excel whether in the arts and crafts or in science and technology must be developed and embraced for posterity.

An added reminder is the consideration that hymns or songs for that matter with the exception of our National Anthem lose its allure and zest over the passage of time. It is best not to legislate any theatrical piece. Instead allow free will for the people to decide whether to include them in the social gathering. Otherwise instead of doing justice to the song, it could end up in perfunctory performance. /MP

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