Thursday, September 15, 2011

Establishing Duty Free Shop At KIA

The Aklan Sang-guniang Panlalawigan is currently reviewing the proposal for the establish-ment of a duty-free outlet at the Kalibo International Airport (KIA) by the Duty Free Philippines Corporation.

This development came after SP member Jose Enrique Miraflores proposed a resolution to endorse the proposal for the setting up of a duty-free-shop.

The SP in plenary session referred the proposed enactment to the Committee on Laws, Rules and Ordinances; and Committee on Trade and Tourism for further study and evaluation.

Miraflores cited in his resolution, the operation of the said outlet will further boost the revenues of the government apart from enhancing its competitiveness in terms of airport operation standard.

"In the interest of meeting the needs of tourists and returning Filipinos (balikbayans) transiting in the Kalibo International Airport, there is a need for a duty-free outlet to service the arriving tourists and balikbayans", Miraflores pointed out.

"It will enhance tax collection and will encourage employment among Aklanons," Miraflores added.

"The implementation of the pocket open skies policy will increase the number of tourists as local and foreign airlines take advantage of the lucrative inbound and outbound market", Miraflores predicted.

The volume of arrival and departing passengers increase yearly because of direct flights between KIA and abroad. /MP

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