Thursday, January 05, 2012

Chief Justice Victorino Mapa

by Ambrosio R. Villorente

Chief Justice Victorino Mapa was born in Kalibo, Aklan on February 25, 1855 on the exact place where Glowmoon Inn is presently located at S. Martelino Street. He became a legal adviser to the Philippine Revolutionary Government in 1898. His role in the Revolution against Spain was very important because it concerned legal aspects and the rule of law. His legal advises and recommendations to President Emilio Aguinaldo and to some leading Filipino revolutionists help made the Philippine Revolution of 1898 successful.

He became an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court from 1901 – 1913, Secretary of Finance and Secretary of Justice from 1913 – 1920. He became the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1920. He was the second Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the first Filipino to hold the highest position in the judiciary. The first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was an American.

Mapa died in Manila on April 12, 1927. V. Mapa High School and V. Mapa Street in Manila were named after him for being one of the heroes of the Philippine Revolution of 1898.

Representatives from the Philippine Historical Committee came to Kalibo in 1964 from Manila to personally place the historical marker at the front wall of Glowmoon Inn facing the historic Saint John the Baptist Cathedral where one of the oldest original image of the Holy child is kept.

There was a short program at the site and the street was closed to traffic. This occasion was attended mostly by Aklanon lawyers and leaders of the town. Later, a dinner was served at the third floor of Glowmoon Inn.

According to Jun Quimpo, the manager and a college instructor at Northwestern Visayan Colleges, the building is one of the oldest buildings in Kalibo, having been constructed in 1960. It is a three storey building with a land area of more than 200 square meters. Before, it was used as residence of the late Dr. Ramon Salazar Quimpo, Sr. and Gloria Francisco Mijares family. But with the growing popularity of Ati-atihan and Boracay as tourists destinations, it was converted to a tourist inn.

Since Glowmoon is very near the Museo It Akean, one of the historical landmarks in Kalibo, educational tours and field trips by schools from Region 6 are held in these two buildings. According to Jun Quimpo, he acts as resource person to the students and teachers about the life and works of V. Mapa. In order to make the site attractive, he planted ornamental plants and flowers, paint and clean the marker. To make the marker more beautiful, two big colored lights were installed.

Students, teachers, local and foreign tourists take souvenir pictures of the marker. Jun is happy to see Filipinos become historical development oriented, become nationalistic and love Filipino heroes who worked and sacrificed very hard to obtain freedom from Spain.

Jun is also hoping that more Aklanons, especially Kalibonhons, will become nationalistic, loving and loyal to country in thoughts, words, and deeds. He is hoping that the yearly celebration of the 19th Martyrs of Aklan on March 23, and Independence Day on June 12, the present administration of the Municipality of Kalibo will remember V. Mapa and give him due recognition to Chief Justice Mapa by offering flowers and assigning a guard on duty during the annual parade. Sad to say, he has not yet seen this happen. /MP


  1. The first Filipino Chief Justice is Cayetano Arellano.

  2. The first Filipino Chief Justice is Cayetano Arellano.
