Thursday, January 05, 2012



Hopes For A BLISSFUL 2012

It is goodbye to 2011, blissful to me or trouble-some to others. Now, another promising New Year 2012 unfolds. There are new paths to tread.

Just before the strike of midnight of Jan 1, 2012, everybody was sending forwarded and unsolicited messages to wish each one a grace-filled New Year. One that is worth reading and sharing is about faith and action. “If you have faith in 2012, the clearest expression of it is you have to act on what you believed. One is to check your action if it matches your faith.”

On the other hand, I believed that this year will be better and bigger than 2011. It will be another year of difference. For one, for the first time in my 38 breathing-years on this beautiful earth, I and my only daughter watched a long-32 minutes and 25 seconds of spectacular fireworks display in the City of Smiles – at the new capitol center of Bacolod City. Second, again, for the first time, we got away from home where we had traditionally spent New Year’s Eve just by religiously staying home (blame “traditions) and literally banging casseroles and bottles, and of course, who will not forget the New Year’s jump (hoping to get taller?!) and the coins in both of our pockets (hoping to get richer?!), but that is if you are not wearing polka-dot clothes, or even so. For the first time, we deliberately forgot about this superstitious belief. Most especially, another moment of good memory is with a new found friend spending his 1st hour of New Year with us and welcoming 2012 with fun and excitement. These are just few “new” to start the New Year right.

Coming home, on the table were Martini Asti, red wines (Novellno and Carlo Rossi), few different soda and delectable New Year’s Eve food, my good sister prepared for us. She is good in the kitchen, while I am good at appreciating ‘em. A few cuts of little something here and there, and then we hit the bed at late 2 AM.

The homily the next day of the New Year was inspired by the Feast of Mary, Mother of God. It was a day of world peace and so therefore, the priest suggested that we should be ‘lovers of peace’ and by doing so, we should ‘create peace.’ He is absolutely right.

Let’s all join hands to create the 2012 we dream of. Please remember to act on it with goodwill and peace. To those who have touched my life with your loving kindness, prayers and support in all our undertakings and advocacy, and our readers of this paper, I am so grateful to you. May you remain faithful in what you do and we remain successful in what we will do together in the next 365 days of 2012. Cheers!

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