Thursday, February 09, 2012

Aklan Cops Nab Suspected Drug Pusher In A Buy Bust Operation

by PO1 Nida Gregas

CAPTION: Bricks of Marijuana, Search Warrant, Uprooted Marijuana Plant, Suspect’s House

A lesson, a suspected drug pusher dealing marijuana is arrested in a buy-bust operation. The joint operatives of the Provincial Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operations Group led by PSINSP Lory Tarrazona, Provincial Public Safety Company led by SPO3 Benjie Repedro and Numancia PS led by PINSP Jose Marlon Murallo together with Atty. Flosemer Chris Gonzales of Public Attorney’s Office executed the Search Warrant on Thursday morning, February 2 in Brgy. Navitas, Numancia, Aklan.

The police identified the suspect as Martwin Reyes y Terencio, 42 years old, married and a resident of Brgy. Navitas, Numancia, Aklan. He was arrested after selling P20,000 worth of marijuana bricks to a police agent who posted as poseur buyer.

Aklan Police Provincial Office director Senior Superintendent Cornelio T. Defensor said, confiscated from the suspects’ possession upon buy bust and execution of search warrant No. JAA-002-2012 and JAA-002-2012 issued on February 1, 2012 to the store owned by the suspect and house of his parents were the following : One (1) small brick of suspected marijuana dried leaves wrap in white paper recovered during buy bust operation marked as mr-1; Twelve (12) bricks of suspected marijuana dried leaves recovered from the possession of the suspect after the buy bust operation marked as follows mr-2 to mr-13; One (1) piece of color blue plastic bag with traces of marijuana leaves and seeds; One (1) five hundred (P500) peso bills with serial No. QH 5646; Two (2) one hundred (P100) peso bills with serial No. 405478 and NH535443; Three (3) one hundred (P100) peso bills with serial No. RK205621, AT947072 and WB931568; One (1) unit Nokia cell phone 5130C-2 with text messages of drug transaction; One (1) unit of water pipe (bunk) marked as mr-14; One (1) piece of black film case containing suspected marijuana dried leaves and seeds marked as mr-15; Three (3) pieces improvised tooters; One (1) piece improvised heater tube; One (1) piece of polo black wallet containing the following: five (5) pieces one dollar bills; two (2) five hundred (P500) peso bills; one (1) one hundred (P100) peso bill; two (2) fifty (P50) peso bills; three (3) twenty peso bills; postal identification card and driver’s license in the name of the suspect; One (1) jersey short color white and One (1) plastic pale with uprooted suspected marijuana plants.

The confiscated illegal drugs were brought to the crime laboratory for examination.
Defensor said PNP have been conducting surveillance on said suspect for a month prior to buy bust operation. Reyes is under the drug watch list of the Aklan PNP for years, Defensor added.

The suspect is now detained at Numancia Police Station, pending the filing of charges of illegal possession of and selling prohibited drugs under Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.

During the conduct of the search, Navitas Brgy Capt Brend Bustamante, Arbelle Zausa of Bombo Radyo, Jerlyn Ann Sy of RGMA and Atty Flosemer Chris Gonzales of Public Attorney’s Office were present. /MP

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