Thursday, February 09, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Live Upon This Earth Sweetly

Disease is any departure from health, it is an illness, a destructive process in an organ with the specific cause and characteristic symptoms like liver illness. Diseases cause work prevention, lose of income, and even lose of life.

It is one cause of poverty, and the poor health condition of the members of the family. Even one or two members suffering of any disease will adversely affect income, incur more expenses for hospitalization, laboratory fees, medicine and doctor’s professional fees. The family members are affected. They are emotionally bothered and induced to commit absences from their jobs.

Diseases maybe congenital, unknowingly transmitted and or occur to a person because of dirty life style, due to some vices.

Cancer for instance is in a gene according to research finding. It will become fatal when the immune system of a person is weakened. Cancer will also cause death if triggered by a person’s unhealthy lifestyle.

People also get sick because of various vices. They suffer social diseases like Gonorrhea and HIV/AIDS which are transmitted from one person to another because of either womanizing or menizing.

Tuberculosis is now curable but still one of the top seven causes of death in the Philippines. Still some people ostracized a person known to be infected of tuberculosis because tuberculosis is transmitted easily through frequent contacts. A person who lacks sleep everyday, smoke, over drink liquor and malnourished is vul-nerable to tuberculosis.

Another reason why a person gets sick is due to smoking, drugging, drinking, and gambling. Tobacco, alcohol, and drugs like marijuana will promote addiction to it, thereby induce continuous use of it until a person exhausts all his money and get sick.

A person addicted to nicotine, alcohol and illegal drugs tend to loss his reason and well being, get sick until impoverished. Gambler has the least probability to win and the tendency of a gambler is to lose and be poor.

However, you might ask why are those families with more than adequate resources to procure all the necessary requirements to live a normal life still get sick? Well, man is mortal and living things like man and plants have average life span. And our length of stay upon this planet earth is dependent on our average life span and our way of living.

The average life of a Filipino male is 67 years, and 75 years for female. If you live beyond the average life span, then you are enjoying a bonus life, and you must enjoy your bonus.

Life is shorten because of diseases, accidents, disaster, war, and old age. Live decently with clean life style and pass upon this earth sweetly (matam-is).


A family can also be poor by being extravagant.

Extravagant is the act of straying beyond bounds, going beyond reasonable limits or being excessive.

When a person spends his earning on matters which is more than what he needs, he may become poor, he is extravagant person. A concrete example is buying and preparing food which cannot be consumed because it is more than what the family can eat and therefore the left over are damaged. Being extravagant makes a family poor. /MP

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