Thursday, April 26, 2012

Capiztahan 2012 Features Capiz’s 111th Foundation Day

The 111th Foundation Anniversary of the province of Capiz was among the activity that was included in the Capiztahan 2012 celebration held in Roxas City from April 13 to 15 this year in Roxas City.

Capiztahan 2012 is a socio cultural event that commemorated the 111th foundation anniversary of Capiz and the 64th death anniversary of the late President Manuel Acuna Roxas who died of coronary thrombosis while delivering a speech at Clark Field, Pampanga  on April 15, 1948. Roxas was the last President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and first president of the Republic of the Philippines.

On February  6, 1901, during the American Regime, the Philippine Commission  (the Legislative Body then) passed Act No. 83, a General Act for the Organization of Provincial Governments in the Philippine Islands. This is also known as “the Provin-cial Government Act.”

Among the provisions of this Act was:”Every provincial government established under this Act shall be a body corporate, with power to sue and be sued, to have and use a corporate seal, to hold real and personal properties, to make contracts for labor and material needed in the construction of duly authorized public works, and to incur such other obligations as expressly authorized by law.” (Section 20).

The Philippine Commission, on April 11, 1901, passed another act. Act 113, “An Act extending the provisions of the Philippine Government Act to the Province of Iloilo,”  defining its territory to include the Commandancia of Concepcion and by making Iloilo the capital town. Among others, it created the following offices with their respective salaries: the Provincial Governor, Secretary, treasurer, Supervisor and Fiscal, as well as scheduled every third Monday of January, April, July, and October for the meetings of the Municipal Presidents.

On April 13,  1901,  the Commission again passed Act 114, “an Act extending the provisions of the Provincial Government Act to the Province of Antique,” defining its territory with San Jose as its capital town. It created also offices identical to that of the province of Iloilo and the meetings of the Municipal Presidents.

On April 15, 190l, the Commission passed Act 115, “an Act extending the provisions of the Provincial Government Act to the Province of Capiz,” defining its territory making Capiz as the capital town of the province. The created offices are still identical with those of the provinces of Iloilo and Antique, and the meetings of the Municipal Presidents.

Lastly, on April 20, 1901,  the Commission passed Act 119, “an Act extending the provisions of the Provincial Government Act  to the Province of  Occidental Negros,  defining its territory with Bacolod as the capital town. Still, the created Provincial Offices are identical with that of the provinces of  Iloilo, Antique and Capiz, and the meetings of the Municipal Presidents.

All the Acts took effect immediately upon its submission, except for Act 119 which took effect on May 1, 1901.

The first governors of the four provinces of Western Visayas were Martin Delgado, Iloilo; Gen. Leandro Fullon, Antique; Jugo Vidal, Capiz, and Melecio Severino for Occidental Negros. (by BIENVENIDO P.  CORTES) 

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