Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ibajay Bags Awards For Centuries-Old Mangrove EcoPark

by Dr. Marivel S. Villorente

The float of the town of Ibajay depicting a giant replica of a coconut and its various processed products like fibermatings during Aklan Day celebration cultural parade on April 25, 2012 in Kalibo, Aklan.  

Ibajay LGU headed by its lady mayor, Hon. Ma. Lourdes “Lulu” M. Miraflores and the two People’s Organizations (POs): Naisud  Mangove  and Aquatic Association (NAMAO) and Bugtong-bato Fisherman’s Association (BFA) supporting the Ibajay Mangrove Eco-Park received recognition from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) during the National Mangrove Conference held at MO2 Westown Hotel, Iloilo City on April 18-20, 2012. 

Prior to the awarding on April 19, 2012, Mayor Lulu gave a 30-minute power point presentation of the Katunggan It Ibajay (Ibajay Mangrove Eco-Park) and the LGU-Ibajay’s commitment to its conservation and rehabilitation to some 140 participants who are personnel or staff members from the DENR, BFAR, LGUs, academe,  PO’s and other stakeholders from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The Ibajay Mayor’s presentation of Ibajay Mangrove awaken the interest of the participants of the national conference due to the uniqueness of the centuries-old mangroves. Mayor Lulu pleasantly answered some queries.

Mayor Lulu received the Plaque of Appreciation which recognizes the LGU’s support to mangrove conservation and rehabilitation through: a) passage of ordinances that protect mangroves, b) allocation of municipal budget for mangrove conservation and rehabilitation activities including training courses, and, c) designation of part-time and full-time staff to address mangrove concerns.

The POs, Plaque of Appreciation was awarded to NAMAO received by its president, Mr. Carlito Alag. In behalf of BFA, Mr. Jevy Sacapano, BFA member received the plaque.

Dr. Heather Koldewey, Head of Mangrove Conservation Programme, International Marine and Freshwater Programme Manager of the ZSL and Dr. Jurgenne H. Primavera, Project Manager, Community-based Mangrove Rehabilitation Project in the Philippines of the ZSL presented the awards.

The first ever Mangrove National Conference has its theme, “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Through Mangrove Conservation and Rehabilitation”. True to the theme: Issues on Nursery Establishment and Maintenance; Outplanting, Maintenance and Monitoring; Socio-economic Aspects, Poster Presentation and Stories from the Field on Mangroves, Survey of FLA (Fishpond Lease Agreement)AUU Ponds, Pond FLA Cancellations Initiatives, Pond Mangrove Reversion were discussed.  Moreover, queries were answered through  a well-participated open forum.

Other LGUs awarded are the LGU-Ajuy, LGU Leganes (Iloilo),LGU-Ivisan, Panay (Capiz) and LGU-Nueva Valencia (Guimaras). Other POs awarded together with NAMAO and BFA of Ibajay are BPFA, KAMaMADO, NewBAMA, Buntog Katibyugan.  The academe partners awarded are: NNHS, FCU, NIPSC-Ajuy and STMC. Two private partners are likewise awarded for their donations of land utilized for mangrove rehabilitation in the identified area: the Zerrudo and Jastillano family from Iloilo.

The Community-based Mangrove Rehabilitation Project in the Philippines by the ZSL (ZSL-CMRP),German Development Cooperation-Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Areas (GIZ-ACCoast) and the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau of the DENR-PAWB organized the First Mangrove National Conference.

The conference’ final output is a Petition Letter to address and urge the government and or concerned agencies to include among its priority programs and concerns and be implemented the soonest the inclusion of the Mangrove Conservation and Rehabilitation for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.

Other Ibajay participants to the National Conference are Dr. Marivel S. Villorente, (ASU-Ibajay), Ms.Lyn  Ilinon, and Mr. Aniceto Sonon (LGU-Ibajay),  Mr. Edgar Pelayo  (Naisud Brgy Chairman), Hansel Sacapano, (member,BFA).  /MP

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