Thursday, February 14, 2013

Gov. Marquez Inducts KBP Officers for 2013


Photo shows Gov. Marquez (extreme left) inducting the officers of KBP who are Sally Villasis – chairman, Ron N. Bautista – Vice Chairman, Eril S. Ibardolasa–Performance Officer, Jhinkee Jane B. Rodillas–Secretary, Lucy R. Villaruel–Treasurer, DT Joy Gener – Audito and Eleanor Defensor – Reyes–Executive Secretary.

The Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster s a Pilipinas (KBP) Aklan Chapter held its induction of officers at the Provincial Guest House, Capitol, Estancia, Kalibo on Friday afternoon February 8. The invited speaker and inducting officer is Gov. Carlito S. Marquez.

In his message, Gov. Marquez congratulated the officers and members of KBP for their active participation, interest and commitment in the recently held Sto. Niño Ati-atihan festival. He commended their fair and balanced reporting in pursuit of truth and justice. Based on record, Aklan KBP officers and members are nationally recognized. “The Philippines enjoys a reputation of having its media as one of the freest in the world”, Marquez pointed out.

However, he underscored the need for journalists to inform/educate the people on climate change since this is a major natural phenomenon of the 21st century. “We must address this weather aberration in order to overcome formidable problems of raising sea level, coastal subsidence, coastal erosion and rising ocean temperature. All these problems drastically impact our food supply, health, environment and survival,” Marquez stressed.

We must adapt ourselves to climate change. Since trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, there is a need to implement moratorium on cutting down forest trees. Instead, we must replant denuded hills with agro forest trees and estuarine rivers with bakawan. Our advocacy is community-based re-greening program that is practical, effective and sustainable concluded Marquez.

Ms. Salvacion R. Villasis responded that being the eyes and ears of the people, we are committed as an organization to uphold the vision/mission of KBP. Indeed we are in the business of empowering people since we educate and inform them said Villasis, station manager of DYMT FM Banga, operated by Aklan State University. 

Other officers of KBP inducted with Villasis as chairman, are Ron N. Bautista – Vice Chairman, Eril S. Ibardolasa – Performance Officer, Jhinkee Jane B. Rodillas – Secretary, Lucy R. Villaruel – Treasurer, DT Joy Gener – Audito and Eleanor Defensor – Reyes – Executive Secretary.

Aklan broadcast industry is composed of 3 AM, 4 FM and 2 cable TV stations. They provide continuing educational, informative, instructional and entertaining programs to listeners. /MP

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