Thursday, May 09, 2013

GMA News Pillars’ Choice Point To Dapat Tama

The GMA news pillar who are (l to r ) Arnold Clavio, Vicky Morales, Howie Severino, Jesica Soho, Mel Tiangco, and Mike Enriquez. 

Delivering up-to-the-minute news and significant issues concerning the public is the media’s day-to-day responsibility. And with only a week before the mid-term elections, the voting public relies heavily on information and updates they get from the media that in one way or another contribute in their decision making come the time of casting the votes.

Hoping to inform the viewers so they can choose and vote wisely, the GMA News Pillars share their thoughts on what to them is #DapatTama.  

Jessica Soho: Dapat Tama serves as a constant reminder for all of us that one could never go wrong by doing what is right. If you are a political candidate and you do what is right, moral, and ethical from the beginning of your campaign all throughout your candidacy, you are somehow showing a reflection of how you will be as a public servant should you get elected.  If you are a voter and you shun dirty politics in its every form, you are in fact helping fight the woes that plague the government like graft and corruption, bureaucracy, cronyism among others.

Mike Enriquez: Candidates, their handlers as well as voters, know what is right.  #DapatTama simply means doing everything right in accordance with the rules.  #DapatTama means having a culture of rightfulness and compliance.  #DapatTama means that everyone bases his or her thoughts, words and deeds on one objective – the good of the country and not only of one’s self.  It is indeed hard to always be #DapatTama.  But the rewards are immeasurable – a country where good prevails, where there is respect for everyone, where there is progress and dignity for all. It is not an impossible dream as long as everyone believes that in all aspects of our lives, #DapatTama.

Mel Tiangco: DapatTama is like our inner voice that keeps us working within the bounds not only of what we believe is right but also of what is generally accepted as right and morally sound. As we decide which candidate to vote for, we should consult this inner voice especially since by choosing the right candidate, we are doing a favor not only for ourselves but for millions of our fellow Filipinos.

Arnold Clavio: For me, DapatTama means you should not do things that are not good in the eyes of God, that every decision that we make should always be based on God’s love and His commandments, what is pleasing in His eyes. Our conscience dictates what is right. We should always choose to do the right things. There is no “if” between good and evil. Always, we must choose what is good. Truth should not be compromised, what is right is right. Bonus: #DapatTama ang pag-shade ng bilog.

Vicky Morales: DapatTama may sometimes be the flip side of Dapat Cool, Dapat Kumportable, Dapat Kakilala, Dapat Makisama, Dapat Malaki ang Kita, orDapat Bida. I believe we all have a sense of what is right when faced with a buffet of choices. But we sometimes find ourselves sidetracked because of the short-term rewards our other options may offer. #DapatTama means winning the marshmallow test many times over.  It means making a long-term investment on ourselves and on the world our children will inherit.

Howie Severino: #DapatTama to me is making an extra effort to do what’s right, even if it entails risk or discomfort. It could be as hard as helping unseat an abusive president or as simple as saying thank you to the kitchen staff in a restaurant who did a good job too. If we all just look around us and try to correct the obvious wrongs rather than tolerate them, our society would be much better off.

Staying true to its commitment to render Serbisyong Totoo, GMA News and Public Affairs, along with the entire force of the country’s leading broadcast news authority, launched its music video Dapat Tama performed by rapper Gloc-9 and Denise Barbacena.

Now airing its latest version -- the music video include one-liner reminders from both the News Pillars and senior reporters on the importance of casting their vote right. The Dapat Tama music video is part of the Network’s voter education advocacy campaign in line with its special coverage of the 2013 elections dubbed Eleksyon 2013. /MP

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