Thursday, May 09, 2013

How I Will Solve Kalibo Traffic?

(Last of 2 parts)

WILLIAM S. LACHICA: “The regulation of our thoroughfares may be achieved through the collective efforts of all sectors in our municipality. 

Traffic jams in some congested areas in our municipality can be resolved by regulating all our private and public utility vehicles through the enforcement of our Traffic Code which was already enacted as early as September 8, 2005.  

The observance of proper parking and loading in prohibited areas and within 10 meters from any road intersection must be strictly enforced.  Furthermore, truck routes and the limited truck ban should also be reviewed in order to ensure orderly traffic flow. Strict scrutiny shall also be given emphasis to the colurum tricycles and buses plying in our municipal roads.

Ideally, there is also the need to establish a centralized terminal to accommodate all transport groups.” 

Providing Local Public Hospitals 
Supplies & Materials

Below is the response of Victor Manuel M. Garcia, candidate for Vice Governor of Aklan in the May 13 election to the question Megs S. Lunn, APCI pres. propounded him which is “Will you tolerate the present practice of charging the patient in the public hospitals in Aklan such as in DRSTMH for the  supply of medicine and other material used by the patients?”

“The current hospitalization rates and charges on supplies are in compliance with the approved Sangguniang Panlalawigan Ordinance duly endorsed by the Provincial Health Office and Provincial Health Board. If such approved rates and charges don’t conform to the existing scenario for the majority of our people, such Ordinance shall be repealed accordingly. 

Review of policies and public consultation related to this matter shall be called for. Our Health Ordinances, Province-wide Investment Plan for Health, Operational Plans of Government Hospitals/facilities and other strategic programs should address to the present needs of the people.  

The Office of the Vice Governor is a Legislative Branch of the Government that is not authorized to give monetary support relating to health concerns. Financial Assistance to in-need individuals may be channelled or endorsed to the Office of the Governor as the Executive Office. In as much as legislation is in focus, as Vice Governor I personally commit myself to support all measures that could carry better health delivery system to all Aklanons. 

Specifically, we will re-examine the coverage of existing priority health programs; study the sustainability of provincial health care financing with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation and Department of Social Welfare and Development, revisit the sustainability plans integrated on our local health management systems and create a better agreements and partnership on the upgrading of health facilities in compliance to regulations, policies and standards. 

The Province has generated much revenue from the past development initiatives. Report also shows that Aklan is well-funded and granted financial aid from the National Government and other internationally known granting agencies and countries through the Department of Health. These may be reconsidered to obligate the implementation better health programs anchored to good governance, transparency and accountability.     

The Provincial Government under our new Administration will look into better options to ensure the vigorous, empowered and productive Aklanons”. /MP

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