Thursday, July 31, 2014

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Character Of Time

by Ambrosio R. Villorente

Many people say, both Filipinos and foreigners, that in order to accomplish more jobs, workers must manage his time; he must establish priority in doing things.
Among the students of management, they have that “time and motion” theory. This is the theory of accomplishing more in less time and movement.
But Voltaire, the great French writer and philosopher in his book “Zadig: A Mystery of Fate” asked: “What of all things in the world is the longest and the shortest, the swiftest and the slowest, the most divisible and the most extended, the most neglected and the most regretted, without which nothing can be done, which devours all that is little and enlivens all that is great?”
Without hesitation and instantly, Zadig answered, “TIME.”
Voltaire explained: “Nothing is longer, since time is the measure of eternity. Nothing is shorter since it is insufficient for the accomplishment of our projects. Nothing is slower to him that expects; nothing more rapid to that enjoys. In greatness, it extends to infinity; in smallness, it is infinitely divisible. All men neglect it; all regret the loss of it; nothing can be done without it (time). It consigns to oblivion whatever is unworthy of being transmitted to posterity, and it immortalizes such actions as are truly great.”
Do you agree with Voltaire? I hope you do and from now on, make good use of your time. A person does not manage time. He spends it. He manages himself to utilize   time for his benefits, for others, and for his community.
Anyone who does not manage himself properly just spends time for nothing. This is one reason: spending time for nothing ties him to his economic level and has the tendency to be poor; he drags his community to be poor.
4P’s project is implemented to enable people to work, to utilize properly the time and therefore empower the 4P’s beneficiaries to provide for themselves education, food, shelter, health, water, recreation, and other needs.
To manage time is to manage ourselves. This means conducting our affairs within the time available so that we achieve gratifying results.
Many people believe that they really do have enough time for everything if only they could organize their time efficiently.
While people are adaptable, time is not. Therefore, people must adapt to the passage of time. If time is out of control, it follows that we are out of control.
Personality, age, and career development stage influence one’s time orientation. But some people do not believe on this. Some people believe they can control their environment, but they cannot. They can only modify and mitigate the risk.
Another group of persons are those who believed that they are at the mercy of their environment. They tend to feel pushed around and simply react to the environment. Those who spend their time wisely are successful in whatever they do. Quality in time related to who you are, where you are, what result you seek, what you spend time doing, and whom you spend time with.
When we say time management, it really refers to self management. To successfully manage yourself, here are some tips for you:
Clarify your objectives, put it in writing and set priorities. Focus on objectives, not on activities. Set one major objective and fulfill it. Record the time log and analyze how you spend time. Eliminate at least one time waster each week. Plan your time each week and ask what you wish to accomplish each week. Be sure to list what activities to do each week.
Make a time schedule from day to day that includes objectives, priorities, and estimated time to finish. Include time provision for the unexpected. Set time limits but do the right thing on the first hour of the day.
Eliminate recurring crisis in life, institute quiet hour and develop the habit of finishing what is started. Set your objectives, clarify priorities and resist impulses to do unscheduled task.
Take time for yourself, time to dream, time to relax, and time to live. Develop a personal philosophy of time, what time means to you and how time relates to your life.
Remember to manage yourself and spend the time usefully. /MP 


South Korea: A Model On Discipline And Accountability

by Ernesto T. Solidum

            The recent Kapihan forum is privileged to have as guests 26 college students from Sonkmyung Women’s University. The topic is “Enhancing Global Understanding” held at NVC Carmen Hotel, Poblacion, Kalibo, Aklan. The guests are led by Soyoung Kim taking up Global Cooperation, Hunji Chot – Economy, Hunjie Kim and Seou Hong both taking up Entrepreneurship. The local guests are Ma. Luisa F. Tolentino - Pook Day Care Worker, and Rustom L.  Llanera – Pres., Supreme Student Council, Northwestern Visayan Colleges (NVC).
            Atty. Allen S. Quimpo said that the student exchange program between NVC and Sonkmyung Women’s University started four (4)  years ago as a private initiative to develop cooperation and understanding between two institutions of higher learning on common areas of concern as education, business, tourism and culture. As a developing country, we will be most benefited by technological advances of South Korea in science and technology, business, finance and agricultural modernization, the former Aklanon solon pointed out.
            Ms. Tolentino reported the visit of Korean students to their Day Care Center where they gave lecture demo on personal grooming and hygiene. This includes proper washing of hands before and after meals, daily bathing and brushing of teeth. All the kids present were provided toothbrush, toothpaste and school supplies as token of their advocacy.
            Ms. Soyoung Kim disclosed that their sojourn in Aklan is good only for 10 days, thanks to the South Korean government. The night before, they were treated to a sumptuous dinner party hosted by NVC Supreme Student Council and NVC Faculty. Here, we got a glimpse for the first time of superb entertainment of songs and dances and taste of Filipino cuisine.
            Ms. Hunji Chot stated that Sonkmyung Women’s University was founded in 1903 purposely to enhance women’s education. It is the first University in Seoul to offer the course in Entrepreneurship. The graduates of the course are financially assisted by the University or the government based on the feasibility study and uniqueness of the project proposed.
            “In the Philippines, you have a lot of mangoes that are delicious and yet we don’t have them in supermarkets in Seoul. We noted franchise companies of McDonald, Jollibee, and Chowking that are crammed with patrons. It is probable more franchising companies are needed here to meet consumers’ demand,” observed Ms. Chot.
            The following is a culled extract from the 1967 Caxton Encyclopedia about South Korea. “The country was invaded in modern times by the North in 1950. However, the UN intervened led by the US and allied powers effectively dividing the Korean peninsula at latitude 36 degrees North.
            In the 19th century when the nation was basically agricultural, a farmer and his wife with baby on backpack have to toil the land for 12 hours each day just to tide over poverty and misery. Of the 38,450 square miles land area, only 20 percent is arable and planted to rice, barely, wheat, cotton and sugar.
            The country was annexed by Japan in 1910 and lasted for 35 gruesome years marked by torture, execution, and exploitation. Fortunately in 1945, South Korea became independent when Japan was defeated in the second World War.
            The forerunner of South Korea’s economy is manufacturing chiefly cotton and silk textiles, steel, pottery and ceramics, canned sardines and mackerel. The country has abundant mineral deposits of coal, iron ore, copper, graphite, and tungsten which serve as raw materials for power generation and industrialization.
            The population is homogeneous and quite distinct from Chinese or Japanese. This is due to the two mainstream immigrations namely: a) Tinguistic stock (Mandarin and Eastern Siberia) and b) Southern China.
            The feudal lords who were Paikehe and Koyenge once ruled Korea but were conquered buy China under the Tang Dynasty. However, in the 12th century, Korea and China were overwhelmed by Mongol conquest led by Kublai Khan. Many Koreans were conscripted to fight the Japanese but Mongolian expedition was no matched for Japanese superiority in naval battles.
The influence of Chinese philosophy through orthodox Confucianism became predominant in Korean life. Confucian literature remained the means of entry into the civil service until the end of the 19th century. Christianity was introduced in 1777 by early Chinese converts.
The language of South Korea is more related to the Japanese Niponggo, a member of the Altaic branch of the Ural. Few additions came from Chinese Mandarin.”
There is disbelief and admiration over South Korea’s economic miracle steadily rising from the ashes of war of 1953. Now, the past is a blurred memory. It is replaced by unprecedented growth, power and influence. Presently, it rivals Japan and China as industrial hub of Asia.
The engine of industrialization lies in a strong education base and emphasis on research and development. This is the reason why electronics industry led by Samsung and LG became successful in their global business outreach said Ms. Chot. Presently, the Philippines has purchase order of 12 FA fighter jets to bolster her defense capability. In banking, South Korea will finance half of the P11.2 billion Jaluar River Multipurpose Project in Calinog, Iloilo.
It has been 69 years since the Philippines was devastated by the second World War and yet her economy and political system had not stabilized or prospered compared to other ASEAN countries. In this 21st century, the nation must work to become globally competitive by turning out quality products and services. Filipinos have not developed their basic industries be it in agriculture, mining, clothing, food. Instead, the Philippines rely on imported finished products.
The Philippines is ascribed to as the “sick man of Asia” because of her inability to lower poverty incidence recorded at 27.8 percent. Every year, the Philippine colleges and universities turn out 200, 000 graduates but only 20 percent of them find employment. Probably, it’s time to evaluate our basic education curriculum to favor entrepreneurship or self employment. Worse, the government bureaucracy is riddled by graft and corruption eating up to at least 30 percent of the annual budget.
South Korea has jailed three presidents, one of them committed suicide. Its first President Syngman Rhee was corrupt and later deposed in 1960. However, it was Pres. Park who successfully managed to secure financial assistance from Germany to jumpstart her industrialization program. Such is the culture of discipline and accountability that must be inculcated in the Filipino psyche. Absolutely, there must be no compromise.

South Korea is a model on discipline and accountability the Philippines must emulate. /MP

Sugilanon Ni Tita Linda

Maaeam Nga Magueang

Ni Tita Linda Belayro

Sa du-maan nga Tsina may mga magueang nga nagakabuhi hasta sang gatos dag-on o sobra pa. Ro andang guina ka-on hay mga preskong tinoean-on, ag mga prutas. Maeaka o kun hin-uno eang sanda naga ka-on it karne. Ro andang guina inum hay dugos nga halin pa sa nigwan o putyokan nga guina alila-an sa tunga it kabueakan.
Idto sanda naga istar sa ibabaw it bukid. Guinapatihan man nga may guina angkon nga kaaeam sanda. Abo nga nagatukad sa bukid agod magpangutana ag magpangayo it sabat kong andang kalisdanan. Kon may nagapati kanda hay may una man nga owa nagapati, kapares kong tatlong ka mag-amigo.
Isaeang adlaw, nagtukad sa bukid rong tatlo ka mag-amigo agod mapamatud-an guid kon matuod nga maaeam rondayang magueang. Pag-abot nanda sa ibabaw, guinbaton sanda, guin abi-abi, ag guinpakaon pa it prutas. Dayon naghambae ro pinakamagueang sa tatlo. “Lolo, abo nga nagapati nga maaeam ka kuno. Tugmaha abi kon buhi o patay rong pispis sa akon nga likod nga ginaboytan?” Nagdungok rong magueang. Guinham-eas nana ro anang mahaba nga balbas. Dayon tumindog ag magtikang-tikang. Naghambae dayon imaw.
          “Oto, sayod ko rong sueod ko imong isipan. Kon tugmahon ko nga buhi rong pispis, imo dayon nga pisliton hasta mamatay rong pispis. Kon tugmahon ko nga patay rong pispis, imo dayon nga buhian ro pispis agod makaeupad.
          Ro atong paeaabuton hay kapares kong kabuhi kong pispis. Kita eamang rong makapatay o makabuhi ko atong mayad-ayad nga paea-abuton. Sa atong alima naka-atang kon buhion naton o patyon ro atong handum. Kon gusto natong madinaeag-on, buhi-on mo rong pispis, mangin matutom ka sa imong pagtu-on, pag-obra o ano mang bueohaton nga makata-o kimo it kauswagan. Kon bo-ot mo nga patyon ro imong handum, madali man lang. Indi ka magtutom, magpabaya ka o mag-uyang ka ko imong oras sa owa it kapuslanan”.
          Nagbalikid dayon rong magueang ag nagpangutana. “Ano ro imong pili-on? Buhi-on o patyon rong pispis?” Nagpa-ino ino it mabuhay ro binatilyo. Patay eon ro anang ama ag magueang eon ro anang ina. Golpe imaw nga nagsinggit.
          “Ulang, gusto ko nga buhi-on rong pispis”.
Pagkatapos nga magpasaeamat sa magueang, nagpanaog rong tatlo nga busog sa kaaeam nga guin tao kanda kong maaeam nga magueang. /MP


IJA Develops 21st Century Leaders

           There are areas of learning in school that are not within the scope of the usual school days but which Infant Jesus Academy (IJA) educational systems recognizes as highly valuable to their students.

Photo, Left to Right, are IJA Interact President Marie Tayco, CB President Kirk Fernandez and Basketball Varsity VP Jack Ryan Acaling are among the major campus club leaders of IJA who presented their outputs with enthusiasm and vigor.
           It is in this view that the IJA Office of the Activities Coordinator (OAC) in cooperation with the Guidance Counseling Office initiated a whole day event of Leadership Development Program held at the CFM Bldg,IJA Kalibo Campus, Kalibo, Aklan recently.

            There are more or less 20 clubs in the campus with 25 members each and club moderators who were invited to attend the program to learn more how it is to become a 21st Century Leader.

          Ms. Megs Lunn, the Office of the Activities Coordinator spearheaded the event and facilitated the Next Best Practices of a Good Leader while Ms. Rena Q. Idorot, the Guidance Counselor presented the Collaborative Leadership. The president of the Faculty Club - Mr. Khlyne Leyson helped in the Team Building activities for the participants who included the Tag Team Game, Pass the Message and other games which developed their communications and team effort with fun.

         The LDP is designed to facilitate the development of skills, competencies and attitudes of the campus leaders and campus moderators; to engage students in shared leadership and responsibility; to empower the clubs to be effective, self-sufficient, aligned with the school’s vision, mission and goals with the guidance of the moderators and to gain important skills in the application of knowledge outside the classroom environment.

       The campus clubs aim to give the members broad range of learning activities, develop enjoyment, friendship within groups, work together cooperatively, enable children to have equal opportunities and develop their involvement in community activities.

       It is for this very reason that the OAC seeks the formation of IJAians to make sound decisions of oneself and with others. The OAC develops programs and activities that contributes to the personal growth and develops their potentials for being service to others. Likewise, the office complements to the academic formation of students, notwithstanding commitment to Integrity, Responsibility, Excellence and Discipline – the core values of IJA. /MP

The Good Life

Make The Most 
Of Yourself
By: Megs S. Lunn

Megs S. Lunn
Poet Ralph W. Emerson said, “Make the most of YOURSELF for that is all there is for you.”

One of the lessons I learned is that “no one will look after yourself except yourself”. Apart from God, nobody will care for you forever except yourself. Your family and friends will come and go, but in the end, you will be by and of yourself only. You will be alone to face even beyond life, to face and answer God alone.

We live a life full of hope. If not, we will not know what is beyond that hopes. We live with a consolation that no matter how hard it is to let go of the challenges and pain, God will always be there for us, for He knows what is best for us. He will not answer all our prayers instantly, but in time, He will.

Have you realized that of letting go someone who doesn’t actually deserve to be remembered and loved? How do you feel? Hurt? Eventually, as you go along and focus yourself to others who deserve your love and care, you will look back how you learned the lesson of releasing and letting be yourself take care the beauty of loving and caring again to someone who deserves most. Now, it hurts, but it is tested and proven that the future holds a better feeling of respecting yourself and learning to discern that the best is yet to come. Indeed, the feeling teaches us to face the future with vigor and fun, with more enthusiasm and dynamism, and with more love to share.

       However, it is easier said than done. To those who experience letting go is the hardest decision in life. I can attest that life after letting go is the most beautiful life ever to live. The past will teach and make us a better person than the past, but the present and the future will give us the wonderful and amazing feeling that life is worth living ever.  

      For “a strong person like the waterfall always channel his own path.” No one will channel it for you except yourself. Nobody will and never will they be. Therefore,  make the most of yourself and let God be at the center of it. Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius once said, “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the world.” Whenever one makes a decision for one’s self, sees to it that there is a positive impact, the return is to oneself to make one feels better, make one happy and contented, will give positive vibes in one’s life and in harmony with oneself. Indeed, the world will get back to him/her generously.

       My good friend who passed away showed me through her smile and laughter of how it is to live a good life no matter how painful it is for her. Amidst the challenges she went through, she managed to show finer life even in the middle of sufferings and pain. She left us memories and reasons to smile, even after she left us.

      (This article is lovingly dedicated to my very good friend, the late Arafel Macalalag (1968-2014), the 1st crowned Mutya it Aklan.) /MP


Photo shows Camille Samson (senior creative specialist/GMPI); Dimple Opulencia (senior activations specialist/GMPI); Charissa D. Tomimbang (product development specialist/GMPI); Maui Arce (Product Development Manager/GMPI); Eileen Manuel Asuncion, (Marketing Group Head, Del Monte Philippines); Kathryn Cruz (Del Monte Kitchenomics, Brand)

GMA Network, through its sales and marketing arm GMA Marketing and Productions, Inc. (GMPI) took home the award recently for the External Communications Programs - Brand category at the Philippine Association for National Advertisers (PANA) PANAta Marketing Effectiveness Awards for its Del Monte Kitchenomics Branded Content and Integrated Mobile App.

In the spirit of creativity and innovation, GMA Network launched the 5-minute cooking program which features recipes broken down into 3 or 4 steps to be easily followed by viewers while simultaneously developing a mobile app that makes the recipes instantly accessible to those watching the show. Among its many features, the app also allows users to download recipes featured in the program just by scanning any Del Monte logo, seamlessly integrating the branded content with the user’s experience with the products.
PANA, founded in 1958, is an organization that unites users of advertising, including member companies from every major industry in the country, and upholds the standards and practices of advertising. Established five years ago, the PANAta Awards is originally launched as a values-centered competition. This year, the Awards are reinvented in recognition of effective communication tools as measured through improved business results, key brand metrics, increased employee satisfaction and well-being, and improved business partner relationships./MP

Typhoon Yolanda Rehabilitation In Bingawan, Iloilo

The Municipal Hall of Bingawan, Iloilo which was badly damaged by typhoon Yolanda last November 8, 2013 is undergoing rehabilitation after seven months. Mayor Matt Palabrica said that the Department of Interior and Local Government through its Rehabilitation Assistance for Yolanda (RAY) Funds granted atotal of P11 million for the municipality comprises of  Php 6,827,098.99 for the municipal hall, Php.4 million for the municipal market and P1 million for the repair of the roof of the municipal gym. The rehabilitation started on June 17, 2014 and expected to be completed on November 21, 2014 under the supervision of the municipal engineering office. (Photo by: James Earl E. Ogatis/DA 6)

DA, NGOs Tackle Climate Change/El Niño

DA, NGOs Tackle 
Climate Change/El Niño

Purveyor of Agricultural Development. Dr. Joyce S. Wendam, (Left) Regional Technical Director (RTD) for Policy, Planning, Research and Regulatory Services of the DA 6 receives award as Outstanding in Government Service – Agriculture Sector during the 5th Anniversary of Keep on Talking at SM City Iloilo from Commissioner Jo Jan Paul Peñol (right) of the National Youth Commission last July 6, 2014. Dr. Wendam is also the DA’s focal person for Grassroots Participatory Budgeting Process, Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan, Philippine Rural Development Program and Agri-Pinoy Organic Agriculture programs. She is instrumental in mainstreaming agri-infra projects like farm to market roads, postharvest facilities and farm mechanization among local government units in Region 6. 
In response to the alarming changes in the climate and the occurrence of extreme weather disturbances, the Panay Organic Producers Association (POPA), Solutions Ecosystem Activator (SEA), Inc. and the Department of Agriculture (DA) 6 convened a one-day forum recently. They discussed the mitigating measures against climate change and protracted dry spell which are most likely to occur this year.

International Expert on Climate Change Dr. Steeve Godilano presented the challenge of climate change to farmers and general public “We have to understand global warming in order for us to come up with appropriate solutions”, he suggested.

Dr. Godilano pointed out that climate change will affect agriculture, livestock, fresh water, fisheries and coastal resources.

“Our goal to achieve agricultural productivity, sustainability and food security in the future will depend on our ability to predict and manage changes in our agricultural landscape and the effects of a changing climate”, Dr. Godilano added.

DA Regional Executive Director Larry P. Nacionales urged the municipal agriculturists, and other leaders to understand the real score of El Niño and its possible effects to crops, livestock and fisheries.

“El Niño is a serious phenomenon that must be given due attention. The DA is preparing farmers, fisherfolk and livestock raisers to face the dry months,” said Dir. Nacionales.

The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration (PAG-ASA) will strengthen its weather surveillance in order to feed the farmers with accurate information on weather conditions. According to Dir. Nacionales, in July there is above normal rainfall in most parts of the country except in Mindanao with below normal rainfall. The Philippines maybe affected by southwest monsoon, high and low pressure area, intertropical convergence zone and tropical cyclones according to PAG-ASA.

“Crops planted in the months of May and June can be harvested in September while crops planted in July can be harvested in October. Within those months, rice planting is encouraged so that when El Niño starts in November, rice production won’t be compromised,” Nacionales stressed.

He advised the farmers to plant corn and sugarcane for it can survive during drought. “Choosing the right commodities to plant will help farmers avoid crop loss or damage. We also encouraged the planting of vegetables such as ampalaya, okra, eggplant and tomato,” he emphasized.

The DA encourages the buffer stocking of seeds, planting materials, veterinary drugs, biologics and other production inputs prior to the onset of El Niño. The DA will enhance its cloud seeding operations, rehab of irrigation systems, machineries and postharvest facilities, crop insurance and pest and monitoring surveillance. /MP
Vice President Jejomar C. Binay visits residents in areas in Laguna, Batangas, and  Rizal badly hit by typhoon Glenda last week. He is shown in the above photo talking to the victims in Laguna.
The Office of the Vice President (OVP) distributed 33,700 bags of relief goods as aid to areas affected by typhoon Glenda that hit the country last week.
OVP teams went to various towns in the provinces of Batangas, Rizal, Quezon, Bataan, Zambales, and Cavite, which bore the brunt of the typhoon.

“Our relief operations are still ongoing. We want to assure our kababayans that the government will help them recover,” said Vice President Jejomar C. Binay.
Binay visited the provinces of Laguna and Batangas over the past weekend. He told the affected residents about the housing programs that they may avail of.

So far, 500 relief packages have each been distributed in the following areas in Quezon Province: Quezon, Alabat, Perez, Guinayangan, Tagkawayan, Calauag, Lopez, Gumaca, Plaridel, Atimonan, Padre Burgos, Agdangan, Unisan, Pitogo, Macalelon, Gen. Luna, San Andres, San Francisco, Malanay, Catanauan, San Narciso, and Buenavista.

In Bataan, 500 bags each were also given out for the local governments of Samal, Abucay, Orani, Pilar, Orion, Limay, Mariveles, Bagac, and Morong.

The same number of relief goods was handed in Palawig, Masinloc, Candelaria, Sta. Cruz, Botolan, Cabangan, San Felipe, San Narciso, and San Antonio in Zambales.

In Cavite, 300 bags per town were distributed in Maragondon, Ternate, Alfonso, Emilio Aguinaldo, Magallanes, Rosario, Kawit, Trece Martires, and Dasmarinas.

In Rizal, the towns of Taytay, Angono, Binangonan, Cardona, Morong, Baras, Pililia, and Jala-Jala received 300 relief goods packages each. Tanay received 500 bags.

The following areas in Laguna also received aid: San Pablo, 1500 and Liliw, 500. The towns of Victoria, Calauan, Rizal, Nagcarlan, and Alaminos received 300 bags each.

In Batangas, the towns of Rosario and Nasugbu each received 500 bags. San Luis, Laurel, Tuy, Lian, Taal, San Pablo, and Balayan received 300 bags each. The town of Lemery received 400 bags, while Ibaan, San Nicolas, and Balete received 200 each. /MP

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sugilanon ni Tita Linda

Bito-on Sa Dahi Ni Almira

Parabil natawo si Almira, may magueang nga nagpanghimaead kay Anna Bilen. Suno sa hakita ko magueang ro unga ni Anna Bilen hay may bito-on sa dahi. Apang peligroso man ro anang kabuhi ag dapat nga haeongan.
Pagkatawo ni Almira, mananod eamang ro nagpa-unga. Hakita nana ro bito-on sa dahi ni Almira. Ro anang ina ag ama hay nakasayod man nga may bito-on sa dahi si Almira. Pag katapos it panghimos ko paltera, dayon imaw nga nag uli. Ogaling inabangan imaw sa daean it mga tawong nakasuksok it itum. Guinpatay ro mananod. Halin kato owa eun it nakasayod sa kabuhi ni Almira.
Kalisod it mga tawo ro andang Hari ag Reyna. Owa it eabot nga mapintas sa mga tawo, may guinatu-ohan pa sanda nga rebolto ag nagadaea it unga agod isakripisyo sa andang Diyos-diyos. Mga babaye nga unga eamang ro andang guinahaead. Pag tungtong sa tatlong dag-on, abo eon nga mga inunga rong guin pangsakripisyo.
May naka turo sa hari hanungod kay Almira. Guin padakop ro mag-asawa ag guindaea sa hari. Guingapos ro andang alema ko mag asawa agod indi makabalibad nga ihaead ro andang unga. Samtang guin ilisan it puti nga eambong si Almira ag guinpaeobog sa bato nga altar agod pagapatyon. Pagbukas ko anang higot sa dahi, golpe nga naghayag rong bito-on ag tinamaan rong rebolto. Nawasak rong imahen. Guin daeagan ko hari ag reyna rong rebolto, apang sanda man hay tinamaan ko kahayag it bito-on bosa namatay.
Nagkagulo sa sueod it palasyo. Nagdaea-eagan paguwa ro mga tawo ag kutob ratong mga sueogu-on it hari nga naga samba man sa rebulto hay nagkaeamatay.
Nagpasaeamat ro mga tawo. Guin bilang nanda nga sugo it eangit si Almira agod matapos rong maeain nga buhat it hari ag reyna.
Makaron, malipayon eon ro mga tawo nga nagatu-o sa minatuod-tuod ag buhi nga Diyos. /MP


NGO’s And PO’s Must Address Poverty
by Ernesto T. Solidum

            The Weekly Kapihan discussed the topic, “Role of Civic Organizations in Community Development” held at NVC Carmen Hotel just recently. Guests are Dr. Arnold I. Jayme, Pres. Rotary Club (RC) of Kalibo; Mr. Chem Aldecoa, Pres. Aklan Ati-atihan Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Mr. Patrick Masangcay III, Pres. JCI Aklan Kalantiao Jaycees; Mr. Ricky I. Molo, RC of Metro Kalibo; Atty. Antonio Tabang, RC of Metro Kalibo; and Dr. & Mrs. Santamaria, RC of Kalibo.
            Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente cited invaluable services of civic organizations in touching peoples’ lives and creating livable communities through committed services and goods.
            The Rotary Club of Kalibo is now on its 48th year since it began serving the needs of the community, said Dr. Jayme. We have six organizational thrusts namely: a) peace and order, b) disease prevention, c) economic upliftment, d) maternal and child health, e) basic education and literacy, and f) water and sanitation. However, due to limited resources, RC Kalibo is concentrating on the last 3 areas of concern.
            “Daja Norte, Banga is our beneficiary barangay on potable water, level II costing P1 million. MOA signing was done between Brgy. Council of Daja Norte and RC of Kalibo regarding operation and maintenance of said facility. Some 200 households benefit from the donation of RC of Evergreen, Colorado, USA. A minimal fee of P10.00/month/family is collected to defray maintenance expenses,” said Dr. Jayme.
            Dr. Jayme confided that RC Kalibo will start the next nutrition feeding program in Brgy. Fatima, New Washington after its successful stint in Daja Norte, Banga. The target is 50 1st and 2nd degree malnourished kids to be cared and fed in a Barangay Health Center for 90 days. The daily budget is P500.00, 6 days a week. Pre weighing and post weighing evaluations are done by Nutritionist assisted by Barangay Nutrition Scholar. Meanwhile, a medical and dental team treats kids and their families for common illnesses, supply medical drugs and multivitamins.
            Still on health care we have 350 children who have fully restored smiles and self-confidence. Harelip cases are often traced to poverty but majority have completed their elementary education. RC of Kalibo is presently calling on new registrants for next batch of surgical operation scheduled for January to February 2015. Parents are requested to register their kids 1-6 years old with RHO, DRSTMH, or Aklan Medical Specialist Center.
            The Rotary Club thrust on basic education is to adopt one of the Elementary Schools in Libacao as a model implementor of K+12 project. This would mobilize our members who are experts in the teaching profession said Dr. Jayme.
            Atty. Tabang who is past Pres. of Aklan Chapter Integrated Bar of the Philippines and RC of Kalibo said that Rotarians live by its mission to render service above self. Its avowed mission is human and infra development where the government fails to deliver goods and services. This gap is a reality taken care of by civic societies. RC renders free legal assistance especially to poor folks.
            Those in need of prosthetics may confer with Mr. Molo who as Pres. of Metro Kalibo has secured one for Manuel Aldecoa. A victim of typhoon Yolanda whose leg was amputated because of gangrene complication. Another case is presently processed for a kid from Estancia, Kalibo. A prosthetic or artificial leg costing P100,000 but is secured through donations by Samaritans. Mr. Molo, an accomplished visual artist and instructor at Northwestern Visayan Colleges is a beneficiary of a prosthetic leg donated through Ms. Megs Lunn.
            Mr. Masangcay stated that JCL’s mission is to provide development opportunities that empower youth to become leaders and responsible citizens. The organization, brainchild of Atty. Allen S. Quimpo, has been involved in typhoon Yolanda food relief, and medical assistance. It donated mosquito nets and solar lamps. It was also successful in hosting Presidents’ Academy Conference wherein 119 past Presidents all over the country came to Boracay in October 2013.
            The Aklan Ati-atihan Chamber of Commerce and Industry sponsors projects and activities that support Aklanon interest and needs. It financed delegation of furniture makers to Cebu City, Mutya ng Pilipinas contestant, campaign against STL, gave food and relief to typhoon Yolanda victims, sponsors annual food court during Aklan Foundation celebration and donates one sack rice per month to PNP Provincial headquarters, said Mr. Aldecoa.
            It is very unfortunate that civic organizations are tainted with controversy arising from bogus NGO’s of Janet Lim Napoles. That this malpractice dates back to 1997 and continued until 2013 where P10 billion of tax-payers’ money was misused stinks to high heavens. In advanced countries like the US, Japan, France, and Germany, it does not need lengthy overblown criminal litigation but a speedy dispensation of justice. No one is above the law is a basic tenet of democratic societies. It is indeed ironic that PNP convoys and imaginary illnesses are contrived by the accused to public expense. Outside of prison cells 7 out of 10 pinoys die without seeing a doctor.
            Aklans’ economic life must be considerably improved if we are mindful of UN Millennium Development Goals. This can be done by strengthening manufacturing and agro-fishery industries. DTI has an ingenious plan to develop geotextile made from coconut husks which are in big demand abroad. Aklan has 46,500 hectares of coco land and products like ropes, twine, textile nets, foam insulation, particle board, and potting material for ornamental plants could be produced. Other important products are coco water, coco vinegar, coco sugar and virgin coconut oil. It is unfortunate that RC of Kalibo and Aklan Chamber of Commerce and Industry do not consider above problem a priority. It is common knowledge that the root of the problem of Philippine society is poverty. Lately, it has spawned mutant animal species like DAP and PDAF.
            Civic organizations have a crucial role in rendering public service through volunteerism. Many of their noble deeds go unnoticed since it is only the people who have been helped that are most vociferous. For their humanitarian effort, we give our heartfelt congratulations. /MP

Iloilo Meets Regine’s Lighter Side

Iloilo Meets Regine’s Lighter Side

The Ilonggos went to see Regine Velasquez-Alcasid in a Kapuso Fans’ Day mounted by GMA Regional TV last June 27 at SM City Iloilo all looking forward to hearing and seeing her perform live—and they got more than what they wished for. They discovered the hilarious side of the songstress.
With Ate Redge, the Songbird impersonator, in tow, the event took off on an entertaining note as he performed in an opening number together with the Regine sing-alikes and look-alikes. Everyone was cheering for their bets while the contestants gave their best.
A deafening greeting followed when it was finally Regine’s turn to take center stage. Song after song, the crowd heartily chanted with her. What thrilled the audience more was the Asia’s Songbird herself, after gulping ice cold water after each song, engaging the Ilonggos in a humorous time with her playful spiels.
Not only did she sing, she also gamely kidded around with Ate Redge, the contestants, and the audience. Even Direk Gina Alajar, who was also in town to scout for potential child actors to be part of the come backing well-loved 80s drama series Yagit, laughed her heart out while watching Regine deliver her jokes.
Regine shared that she really enjoys being a part of GMA’s trip to the regions, which also gives her the chance to see her supporters from wherever part of the country they may be.
“It’s a good thing that I get to tour different parts of the country while having a fans’ day too. Umiikot talaga kami pero hiwa-hiwalay. It’s a monthly thing. Minsan dalawa,” said Regine.
The famous Kapuso singer recently came from Davao, Dagupan, Vigan, and Boracay before visiting Iloilo.
“So habang wala akong soap ito ‘yung ginagawa ko. More than 10 na ‘yung naka-line up na Kapuso Fans’ Day. It’s exciting,” enthused Regine, looking forward to her succeeding trips.
“We are grateful that Regine has allotted time for her regional fans. Regional TV's Integrated Marketing Services Division and Entertainment TV have been planning for her Kapuso Fans Day in the regions since last year. This is part of the synergy efforts of the Kapuso Network. We are happy to see Regine touch-base with her fans who have supported her through the years,” said Oliver Amoroso, AVP and Head for GMA Regional TV-Integrated Marketing Services. /MP

Drilon to DBM: Release DAP SAROs

Drilon to DBM: Release DAP SAROs

Senate President Franklin M. Drilon last week urged the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to release all documents, including pertinent Special Allotment Release Orders (SAROs), pertaining to the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) funds which were availed of by lawmakers.
“The records are with the DBM and Secretary Florencio Abad said that the DBM is conducting a thorough research on the matter. Upon the completion of its report, the DBM should release them for the sake of transparency,” said Drilon.
“These are public records and it is only right that the public be given access to these documents so that they can scrutinize and find out if public funds were indeed put to public use,” he stressed.
The Senate President likewise reiterated his earlier call for the Commission on Audit (COA) to conduct a comprehensive audit of the DAP, and to investigate if there were red flags in the implementation.
He said that a COA full-blown audit would find out if DAP funds were misspent.
“The COA should heed calls for a complete audit of DAP. Only a COA report would dispel fears that these funds were used for personal gains,” said Drilon./MP

Canada Day And My Canada Days

Canada Day And My Canada Days

“Canada is the only country in the world that knows how to live without an identity.” Marshall McLuhan
by Alex P. Vidal

I celebrated Canada Day (July 1) in British Columbia for two consecutive years in 2010 and 2011. I was impressed with the way Canadians commemorated the date when Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Province of Canada were united into a single country with parades, fireworks, and festivals. The union, historians say, was a result of the Constitution Act which granted Canada a great deal of independence from England. Over the course of a century, Canada gradually shed its dependence on the United Kingdom. It did not become fully independent until 1982, the same year that Canada day became an official holiday.
In order to fully appreciate other cultures, I had a chance to also assimilate with the Chinese-Canadian, Indo-Canadian, and Polish-Canadian communities in particular. Since I stayed in a predominantly Indian community in Surrey, I became familiar with the Indian culture and was able to meet and interview some of their community leaders.
In most of my visits in downtown Vancouver, I always had a chance to visit the Polish Community Center on Fraser St. My friend, dance expert Christian Cunanan, once brought me in the center which becomes a dance floor at night time during weekend. I also met so many brilliant Chinese-Canadians in Richmond where Chinese restaurants mushroom in every nook and canny.


The earliest organized Polish settlements are actually in Ontario, not in British Columbia. It dates back to the early 1860s. The pioneers and their descendants left an important imprint on the Ontarian Landscape, with their beautiful religious landmarks, characteristic method of land cultivation, and unique architectural style and artistry. We learned that much of this precious heritage is being lost through neglect or inadequate identification and documentation. Even in Canada’s oldest Polish settlement in Renfrew Country, this continues to be a serious concern.
According to historians, Canada Day took decades to catch on because many early Canadians identified themselves as British. It was not until Canada’s “golden” anniversary in 1917(50 years), that an official celebration was recorded. The next set of Canada Day festivities did not occur until ten years, in 1927. The Government’s first recognition of the holiday occurred in 1958 with a trooping of the color on Parliament Hill. The first country-wide celebration was in 1967, Canada’s 100th anniversary. Since then, Canada Day grew and evolved to become the widespread commercial holiday it is today. Canada Day is celebrated with fireworks, concerts, cookouts, and sports games today. Canada’s capital, Ontario, hosts the most holiday activities. There are countless events, activities, and festivals found throughout the city streets, parks, and museums. Fireworks are launched from Parliament Hill to conclude a day of patriotic festivities.

Dominion Day

Formerly known as “Dominion Day,” Canada Day marks the anniversary of the Constitution Act of 1867, joining Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Canada province (now Ontario and Quebec) into a single country. The Constitution Act granted Canada a substantial amount of independence from England, although complete independence was given in 1982. Prior to 1900, there was little Canadian nationalism as many Canadians regarded themselves as British citizens. The first official celebration was held in 1917 to honor Canada’s 50th birthday. It was not until 1946 that Phileas Cote, a member of the Quebec House of Commons, sent a private member’s bill to renamed the “National Holiday of Canada.” Since no one agreed on the name, the bill was defeated. The government first recognized Canada Day in 1958 by holding a trooping of the color on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada’s centennial marked the first widespread celebration in 1967. The event promoted nationalism and Canadian pride. The holiday continued to grow in the late 1960s and many Canada Day event were televised and broadcast throughout the country. In the 1980s, the government began funding Canada Day activities in smaller communities. The holiday was finally made official by a unanimous votes on October 27, 1982; the same year that Canada Act was passed, removing any remaining dependence of Canada on the United Kingdom. While the public had recognized the holiday for decades, this marked a significant change in the magnitude of the celebrations.
In addition to independence from the United Kingdom, Canada Day also marks a number of revolutionary breakthroughs and significant events. The first national radio hookup was initiated by the Canadian National Railway on July 1, 1927. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) held its first cross-country broadcast on Canada Day in 1958. The first color television transmission in Canada was held on July 1, 1966. In 1967, the Order of Canada was inaugurated. “O Canada” was also named the official national anthem on Canada Day, 1980. /MP

Albay Scores Zero Casualty Vs Glenda, Sustains P4.1B Damage*

Albay Scores Zero Casualty Vs Glenda, Sustains P4.1B Damage*

*The Entreprenuerial Farmer is publishing in his column the report from Albay how they achieved zero casualty during typhoon Glenda. 

Preemptive evacuation yielded Albay a zero casualty score against Typhoon Glenda which made its first landfall in the province and pummeled it for seven hours. It left destructions estimated at P4.1 billion, the Albay Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO) reported,
Packing center winds of up to180 kms per hour, Glenda made landfall in Albay on Tuesday afternoon. PAGASA said the province suffered the main brunt of the typhoon. Before it struck, however, Team Albay, led by Gov. Joey Salceda, had already evacuated over 65,000 families from risk areas to the safe evacuation centers.
“It means we have already learned. Despite this hazard, death was zero and recovery has begun,” Salceda said in an interview. He advised his constituents to immediately pick the pieces of their lives and rise up again. The Albay Provincial Board promptly declared Albay under a state of calamity. 
Salceda said Glenda’s biggest victims were Albay’s 9.4 million coconut trees, with an annual output worth P1.3 billion; 40,000 houses made of light materials, P1.2 billion; public infrastructures, P670 million; and other infrastructures, P540 million or about P4.1 billion.
“If this lost incomes and loss of productive capacity will not be compensated by infusion of new resources or net resource transfers, it would translate to an inevitable higher poverty and higher malnutrition,” he noted.
Under Salceda’s instructions, the Albay PDRRMO has immediately formed eight teams under the Plan for Albay Glenda Early Recovery and Reconstruction or PAGERR, to draw up a reconstruction plan to be submitted to the national government for immediate funding and execution. 
“If this is not funded, there will be 27,333 more poor families, and every day of delay in plan implementation means P1.2 million additional income losses and five more families poorer and hungrier,” he pointed out.
Albay has 72,000 poor families already as growth in tourism, agriculture and industry are offset by annual climate adversities.
Salceda pioneered preemptive evacuation and the ‘zero casualty’ goal, now bywords in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) which have been adopted by the national government and many LGUs. The United Nations has declared Albay as its Global Model in DRR and Climate Change Adaptation.
Malacanang cited Albay for its “best practices” following its Glenda DRR operations in a statement Presidential Communications Secretary Sonny Coloma issued.
Salceda said President Aquino himself called him up at the height of Glenda’s fury to inquire on their preparations. He said he “felt reassured” by the President’s advice for him to call his cabinet secretary anytime if the national government support is needed.
He said his earlier suspension of classes was a preemptive strike and accomplished three things -- ensured the safety of 393,000 students, cleared school rooms for evacuees, sent an unmistakable warning of an imminent danger that may not yet be physically apparent.
Salceda had ordered all classes suspended 12 noon at the height of Glenda. Evacuation started at 3 pm, based on the forecasted landfall of Glenda in the morning of July 15. A new forecast issued at 5 pm July 14 has extended the landfall for another six hours the following day.     
“Exact discipline focuses our disaster response organization on the goal (zero casualty) and on the jugular (radical) measures by assembling a team of advisers whose professionalism, competence and performance on hazard forecasting and detection have been impeccable. Whatever their insufficiency, prayers overcompensates,” he explained.
Salceda now co-chairs of the UN Green Climate Fund, as representative of Southeast Asia and the developing countries. Team Albay, a home front emergency group he organized, has been a veteran of many mercy missions around the country during disasters and a recipient of many government and private sector awards. /MP



By Cindy I. Incensario

The Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP) of Aklan approved Resolution No. 147, Series of 2014 which ratified the Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA) for the acquisition of lots for the Kalibo International Airport (KIA) entered into by Aklan Governor Florencio T. Miraflores with the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC). It allocates P175 million budget.
The said resolution was approved on July 9, 2014 during the 23rd regular session of the Aklan SP.
The acquisition of lots is intended for the KIA’s passenger terminal complex, vehicular parking area and access road.
The improvement of the Kalibo International Airport was included among the priority projects of the national government to upgrade it to international standard.
The DOTC will provide funds for the acquisition of lots for the full development of the KIA including the construction of additional facilities and improvement of existing ones.
The proposed development will accommodate bigger aircrafts that will be of service to the growing volume of passengers. It will enhance the efficiency, reliability and safety standards of the said international airport.
The said resolution amended Resolution No. 010, Series of 2013 approved on July 17, 2013 which authorized Miraflores to enter into a MOA with the DOTC for the same purpose but it involves the amount of P260 million.

  KIA accommodates international flights to and from the regional capitals and cities in Asia. Soon, it will become the hub airport of Air Asia. /MP 



The Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund) has allocated some P6 billion in calamity funds for members affected by typhoon Glenda, Vice President Jejomar C. Binay said Monday last week.

“We have set aside P6 billion to make sure that we have enough to fund calamity loan applications of Pag-IBIG members whose homes were damaged by typhoon Glenda,” he said.

Binay is the chairman  of the Pag-IBIG Fund Board of Trustees in his capacity as chairman of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC).

The Pag-IBIG calamity loan is available to members living in areas that have been declared under state of calamity. Eligible members may file loan applications within 90 days from the declaration of a state of calamity.

The areas declared under state of calamity include the provinces of Bataan, Laguna, Quezon, Cavite, Albay, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, and Samar, as well as Muntinlupa City and Obando, Bulacan.

The Pag-IBIG calamity loan program, members with at least 24 monthly contributions may borrow up to 80 percent of their total savings at an annual interest rate of 5.9 percent.

“This interest rate is the lowest in the market and is almost half of the previous interest rate of 10.75 percent per annum,” the housing czar said. The loan is payable within 24 months after a grace period of three months.

“With the three-month moratorium, those who have taken out loans only need to start paying the monthly amortization on the fourth month. This will allow them time to take care of urgent concerns,” Binay said.

Members with existing Pag-IBIG multi-purpose or calamity loans may still file for new calamity loan applications, provided that the sum of all loans, including the new one being applied for, does not exceed 80 percent of his total accumulated savings.

“Those with existing Pag-IBIG Housing Loans, on the other hand, may apply for the calamity loan and can avail of the full loanable amount, provided that the housing loan is not in default at the time of application,” Binay said.

Aside from the calamity loan, Pag-IBIG members with existing housing loans may also file insurance claims against allied perils if the property covered by the loan was damaged by the typhoon.

The amount that can be claimed depends on the extent of damage to the property.

Application forms for the calamity loan and the insurance claim may be downloaded from the Pag-IBIG website ( or may be requested from Pag-IBIG branches or roving offices.


Binay accepts with gratitude and humility the Pulse Asia survey results where 41 per cent of our people consider him their top choice for president.

While we have two years to go before the 2016 elections, the Pulse Asia result is a vote of confidence in Vice President Binay's performance and preparedness to lead the nation.

We recognize that the Pulse Asia and the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) surveys were conducted at a time when political developments could have affected satisfaction and trust with our top leaders and government in general. Nonetheless, the Vice President accepts the results of these surveys and will continue to work to improve the lives of our people. /MP