Sunday, July 13, 2014

Foliage Plants

Foliage Plants

Araucaria Heterophyllla
Common Name: Norfolk island pine
Description: This is a straight tree with symmetrical branches and needle like foliage. The tree grows very slow, but eventually reaches a height of ten feet.
Temperature: 60 degrees.
Light: Bright light
Water: Allow the top of the soil to dry out between thorough watering/drenching.
Humidity: Low level.
Pinching and Pruning: None needed.
Fertilizer: Once a year.
Soil Contents: Common indoor all-purpose mix.
Propagation: Very difficult, although one can try using leader cuttings.
Pests and Diseases: Stem or Root Rot
Common Name: Caladium
Description: Caladium are famous for their extraordinary colourful leaves. One to two feet in size, the leaves can be green, red, yellow or pink.
Temperature: 75 degrees.
Humidity: High level.
Pinching and Pruning: Trim off faded leaves and cut off any dead foliage regularly.
Fertilizer: Fertilize every two weeks during growth period.
Soil Contents: Common indoor all-purpose mix.
Propagation: Seeds, tubers. For tubers, remove them from the container when the plant dries out and place them in peat moss in a cool location until summer. approaches. Then divide the tubers and place in small pots in a warm, moist area.
Common Name: Spider plant
Description: Features long, thin green and white leaves. “Baby” plants spring up from the ends of the mother plant’s stems.
Temperature: 65 to 75 degrees.
Light: Bright light
Water: Keep soil evenly moist at all times.
Humidity: Normal level.
Pinching and Pruning: Rotate plant regularly.
Fertilizer: Every two weeks.
Soil Contents: Common indoor all-purpose mix.
Propagation: Division, plantlets. For plantlets, simply cut them off and root in water or peat moss.
Pests and Diseases: Scale, Salt Damage.
Common Name: Flame nettle, painted leaf plant.
Description: Velvety leaves with many different colors mark this popular plant. The leaves are often scalloped, and the small blue or white flowers sometimes form at the end of summer.
Temperature: 70 degrees
Light: Bright light
Water: Keep soil evenly moist throughout the year.
Humidity: High level.
Pinching and Pruning: Pinch off flowers and growing tips regularly to prevent leggy growth.
Fertilizer: Fertilize every two weeks.
Soil Contents: Common indoor all-purpose mix.
Propagation: Stem cuttings, seeds.
Pests and Diseases: Mealybugs, White Flies.
Common Name: Dumb cane.
Description: A popular houseplant possessing large, speckled green and cream colored leaves. The sap from the cane like stems, if eaten, can result in paralysis of the vocal cords.
Temperature: 65 to 75 degrees
Light: Bright light
Water: Allow the top of the soil to dry out completely between watering.
Humidity: Normal level.
Pinching and Pruning: Remove dead foliage immediately and keep leaves free of dust.
Fertilizer: Fertilize every two weeks during growth period.
Soil Contents: Common indoor all-purpose mix.
Propagation: Root stems and cuttings in sand.
Pests and Diseases: Rarely bothered
Common Names: False Aralia, Thread leaf.
Description: An element looking plant with finger-like, bronze-green leaves. Features a single stem which often reaches up to six feet in height.
Temperature: 65 to 70 degrees
Light: Bright light
Water: Allow the top of the soil to dry out between thorough watering.
Humidity: High level.
Pinching and Pruning: None needed.
Fertilizer: Fertilize monthly.
Soil Contents: Common indoor all-purpose mix.
Propagation: Cuttings.
Pests and Diseases: Aphids, Mealybugs, Scale.
Common Names: Dragon trees, Complant.
Description: A very contemporary tree. Dracaena is a member of the lily family. Its palmlike appearance can be most striking, especially with the taller varieties, which sometimes grow as high as 20 feet tall.
Temperature: 65 to 75 degrees
Light: Bright light
Water: Keep soil moist.
Humidity: Normal level.
Pinching and Pruning: Cut off brown tips.
Fertilizer: Fertilize every two weeks.
Soil Contents: Common indoor all-purpose mix.
Propagation: Stem cuttings or top of plant.
Pests and Diseases: Rarely bothered.
Common Names: Tree ivy, Fat lizzie, Botanical wonder.
Description: A very tall plant which resembles over grown ivy, Fatshedera is actually a hybrid between Fatsia japonica and Hedera helix.
Temperature: 55 to 65 degrees
Light: Bright light
Water: Keep very moist at all times.
Humidity: High level.
Pinching and Pruning: Pinch off growth tips and tie branches to a trellis every six month.
Fertilizer: Fertilize monthly during growth period.
Soil Contents: Common indoor all-purpose mix.
Propagation: Root cuttings in water.
Pests and Diseases: Botrytis Grey Mold
Fatsia Japonica
Common Name: Japanese aralia
Description: The leaves of this plant resemble over-sized maple trees. Waxy, green leaves are sometimes speckled with white.
Temperature: 65 degrees
Light: Filtered light
Water: Keep soil evenly moist during growth period, but allow soil to dry out between watering during dormant period.
Humidity: Normal level.
Pinching and Pruning: Prune leaves back to the stalk when plants grow unwieldy.
Fertilizer: Fertilize every two weeks except in wet season.
Soil Contents: Common indoor all-purpose mix.
Propagation: Seeds, stem cuttings.

Pests and Diseases: Rarely bothered. /MP

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