Arts (Dance)
Russ Patrick P. Alcedo is 40 years old, the son of Mr. Peter Villanueva Alcedo and Mrs. Lynet Perez Alcedo. He graduated Grade VI in Kalibo Pilot Elementary School as 3rd Honor and his High School at the Aklan College where he was the President of the Aklan College Supreme Student Council and editor-in-chief of Aklan Collegian (1983). He was the editor-in-chief of Cross Road, president of English Language Society, member of UP Filipiniana Dance Group and a faculty member in English Communication and Humanities in UP Diliman Q.C. (1988-1990).
Alcedo was the only Filipino the Asian Cultural Council (the Rockefeller Brothers Fund) selected to be a Ford Foundation Fellow in 1996 - 2011. This five year scholarship supported his Ph.D. work in dance history and theory at the University of California (UC) at Riverside. The first Asian and the only Filipino national to have ever received a Ph.D. from this highly respected Dance History and Theory Program to date.
After completing Ph.D., Alcedo was invited to attend post doctoral program for Southeast Asian Studies of UC Riverside. He helped build Philippine Studies for the university, chaired an international conference on religious festival of contemporary Southeast Asia; and revised his dissertation about the Ati-Atihan Festival.
The Pacific Rim Research Program of the UC Office of the President granted Alcedo a 14-month fieldwork research in 1999. He was chosen from all of UC’s nine campuses. The following year, Alcedo won the Phi Beta Kappa Competition for International Students of California participated in by graduate students in all disciplinary fields.
In the 2002, UC, Riverside sponsored a graduate Research Award Competition that featured five doctoral students whose works exemplified excellence in graduate research being conducted at the university. In recognition of his cutting-edge research on the Ati-Atihan and Filipino Culture, the university selected Dr. Alcedo one of the five winners. The four other Ph.D. students did work on super algebra, nanotechnology, genetic engineering and world system analysis.
In 2006, the prestigious Department of Dance of York University searched for professor in dance ethnography who teaches in both graduate and undergraduate programs. Around 40 scholars with PhDs from all over the world responded to the call. Only four were interviewed. The position was finally offered to Dr. Alcedo. He is now the only Filipino professor at York who belongs to the elite and a handful group of Filipino scholars holding a tenure-track appointment from a university in North America.
Public Service
At the age of 22, he was elected barrio councilor in 1961. He then worked his way to be a Community Development Worker of the Presidential Arm in Community Development until his appointment as Provincial Agriculturist.
At 27 years old, he was posted as regional agricultural specialist for the International Volunteers Service (IVS) with assignment in Vietnam from 1966 to 1968 with headquarters in Washington D.C., USA.
For the next 27 years, he was trusted with arduous tasks such as Field Director, Catholic Relief Services with headquarters in New York, U.S.A. (1968-1970); Field Director, International Rescue Committee (IRC) and also worked on secondment as the Special USAID representative for War Victims Directorate (May 1970-April 1975); Director, Field Operations of Madame Imelda Marcos’ Project Compassion (June 1975-June 1980); Deputy Area Representative, UNISEF (June 1980-January 1982); Project Officer, WFP/UNBRO and concurrent Head of the UNBRO sub-offices in Trat and Surin and also deputy Coordinator of UNBRO in Aranyaphratet, Thailand (January 1982-May 1984); WFP Advisor/Chief of the Peshawar Sub-Office (May 1984-May 1987); WFP Advisor in Mozambique (May 1987-May 1990); WFP Advisor in Sudan (May 1990-April 1994); WFP Country Director in Iraq (April 1994-April 1995).
On his last official UN post before his retirement, Ramirez played a crucial role in the over-all management of WFP administration, operation and supervision of inter-national personnel, UNVs and local staff assigned in Baghdad and the 3-sub-offices in Northern Iraq. Ramirez coordinated regular monitoring and programming activities with Iraqi officials, UN Agencies, INGOs and other officers in the autonomous region of northern Iraq. He assisted in the initial drafting of the first edition of the Oil for Food Programme.
On his retirement years, he established in 1995 the family business engaged in small scale farming and poultry venture in Kalibo. A year after, he put up a breeding farm for imported game fowls, breeding of canine pure-breeds (Rottweiler, German shepherds, beagles) certified by the Philipp9ibes Canine Association (PCA) and farming.
As president of the association of Integrated Development Assistant (AIDA) from July 1995 to December 2003, he led in providing free consulting service to local government units, technical agencies’ staff and community organizations on governance, income generating projects and environmental protection.
Yet, the desire to serve with honor and dignity did not stop this man from pursuing noble task. Still at the UN, he is again posted as Country Director for Caritas Australia in East Timor (April 2001–April 2002 and July–August 2003); Officer-In-Charge/Consultant for WFP East Timor (December 1999-March 2000 and from September 2003-October 2004); Consultant to OMB/OSDI of WFP/Rome. Investigation Mission to Mindanao (December 7-22, 2009). Consultant to WFP Philippines in December 2012 on Monitoring and Project Management.
As he is devoted to serving the world, so is he dedicated to his loving wife Angeline Ramirez and their children.
Business and Industry
At the age of 78, Rescate is a picture of a fulfilled business icon. She saw light on February 1, 1933 to spouses Jacinto Magdael Gomez and Consolacion Leyson Carillo of Camanci Norte, Numancia, Aklan. She got married in 1960 to Dr. Leovigildo Cortes Rescate, a Rural Health Physician who died as Assistant Chief of the Provincial Health Office.
They are blessed with five children – Annie G. Rescate-Barbaza, Ledenita G. Rescate-Cedilla, Lenette Rescate-Fernandez, Jacinta G. Rescate and Joseph Jun G. Rescate.
Mrs. Rescate studied college in the University of Santo Tomas and finished Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy in 1955. She passed the Pharmacy Licensure Examinations a year after in 1956.
She was a widow at the age of 42. But she stood up to the challenges as she sent all her children to school. Two of them Annie and Jacinta followed her footsteps and are now registered pharmacists who manage the branches of Farmacia Rescate.
Her strong commitment and earnest efforts propeled Farmacia Gomez to the heights of success as it is considered the longest running retail business in Aklan with an unsurpassed record of 53 years in operation (1958-present).
In recognition of her achievements as a pillar and icon who is known for her exemplary leadership, distinguished career and esteemed standing in business, community service and profession, she received awards and recognitions: Distinguished Achiever in Business awarded by the Drug Store Association of the Philippines (DSAP), Entrepreneur of Distinction Award given by the United Laboratories, Inc. (UNILAB), a Lifetime Achievement Award, given by the Philippine Pharmacist Association (PPha), Aklan Chapter and the Outstanding Business Leader Award by the Drug Store Association of the Philippines (DSAP), Aklan Chapter.
Government Service
She started her career as a young Junior Executive at the Lirag Textile Mills, Inc., where she honed her expertise in quality control. In the mid-1970s, she moved with her family to General Santos City where she first joined the academe as the founding Dean of the School of Engineering in the Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges. She later decided to accept an offer from the government and made valuable contributions in the development of General Santos City. She is the first Provincial Director of the reorganized Department of Trade and Industry in the province of South Cotabato in 1987 that started her career in DTI and eventually became the Regional Director of the Davao Region. She simultaneously did her government duties and studies until she obtained her Master in Business Administration degree in Ateneo de Davao University.
With her specialized studies and trainings in the Philippines and abroad, she has been honed further to excel in her career both in the private and in the government sectors. At one time, she concurrently tackled her DTI work and a consultancy post at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) that tapped her for trade promotion and SME Development Projects. At the same time, she was designated Industry Cluster Expert for a UNIDO Project on Mindanao Industry Clusters Development.
She is the present Undersecretary for Regional Operations and Development Group (RODG) of the Department of Trade and Industry. As such, she supervises all DTI Regional Offices, four bureaus and project management offices. She now steers all the DTI regional offices into action and prompt responsiveness to the current needs and demands of our country’s MSME in various industries.
The fact that Usec. Cruz has spent years of her life in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao gives one more good reason for working with total dedication for the continued economic development and progress throughout the Philippines.
Director Larry P. Nacionales was born to an Aklanon parent. His father, Genovivo Nacionales was from Paningayan, Madalag, Aklan. His father studied at Paningayan Elementary School. The current Barangay Captain, Hon. Felix Nacionales is the first cousin of Larry P. Nacionales.
His father, Genovivo and Mother, Rosalina were entrepreneurs (itinerant vendors), who sold dry goods, kitchen utensils and other domestic consumption items. They went around the province of Aklan during the scheduled market days of the different municipalities.
While Larry was not born in Aklan, his childhood is filled with memories as he shuttled between Aklan and Iloilo provinces frequently for vacation. He stayed with his auntie in Molo, Iloilo City while his parents and siblings continued to stay in Kalibo. With the family’s income generating activity as travelling merchants, they had to stay in Aklan to make both ends meet. It was during his elementary days that his family finally moved their residence to the Province of Iloilo.
Larry P. Nacionales’ is married to Maria Corazon Gelera Jallorina-Nacionales and blessed with all professional children.
Larry studied in Central Philippine University from 1973-1977 and graduated with the degree Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, major in Agronomy. He completed Master in Rural Development Management at the University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna in 1984-1986 and the Program for Development Managers at the Asian Institute of Management in Makati, Metro Manila.
His various fields of study and conceptual papers he prepared generated greater impact to the farmers like: “ Issues and Concerns in Rural Development: Philippine Experience”, the” Planning Process in the Establishment of Integrated Area Management System” in the Province of Iloilo, “Operationalization of Participatory Approach in the Formulation of MAF Medium Term Agricultural Development Plan”, a Policy Study in 1986, the “Strength and Weakness of Community Resource Management Approach to Rural Development”, “The Communication Process in Extension Work”, “The Develop-ment of Sustainable Agricultural/Rural Enterprises”, “A Feasi-bility Study on the Establishment of Farmers Integrated Grains Center in Western Visayas” and the “ Effect of the Pre and Post-Emergence Herbicide on the Growth and Yield of Corn”.
As the current Regional Director of the Department of Agriculture of Region VI, he oversees proper planning and implementation of the various banner programs of the DA, conducts consultation with NGOs, local communities and private sectors in the implementation of agricultural programs and projects; coordinates with local government units, private sectors and other national agencies in the implementation of programs and projects of the DA; He chairs the Regional El Niño and La Niña Task force of the Regional Disaster Coordinating Council and Active member of the Regional Development Council.
Dr. Laroza, in the field of education, spent 15 years in Aklan College, 17 years in public elementary schools, 12 years as school head, three (3) years as schools district supervisor, seven (7) years as asst. schools division superintendent. She became the schools division superin-tendent of Aklan in 2006 until she retired in 2010. She got an excellent rating in her civil service tests which included: Teacher’s Examination; Career Service Professional; Management Aptitude Test-Battery; Superintendent Licensure Examination; and Career Executive Service Eligibility. She was appointed by the President as CES Officer Rank V on November 25, 2002 and CES Officer VI on January 5, 2007.
She participated in the different national and international trainings and seminars like the “Training of Trainors in Education conducted by the SEAMEO-INNOTECH International Conference, the PRODED-ERP Trainors Development Program conducted by the Development Academy of the Philippines, Advanced Management Development Program for Elementary School Principals conducted by the National Educator’s Academy of the Philippines, and Management Development Program for the Department of Education, Asian Institute of Management.
She received various non-academic distinctions and recognitions. Some of these awards were: Outstanding Female Elementary School Principal, Region VI-Teodora Alonzo Gintong Ilawan, Educators Award, DECS-AVON, 1992, First Runner-Up, National Search for the Outstanding Female Elementary School Principal, DECS-AVON, Manila Hotel, 1992, and Plaque of Recognition as National Officer of PESPA in 1997.
As a good leader and educator, Laroza prepared different researches and articles like “Gender Equality in the Philippines”, “Principals: DECS Strong Workforce and Workhorse, “Teacher Training Institutes: Are They Still Effective Place for Teacher Formation and Learning?” She is an active contributor of the Ugnayan-PRODED-ERF Regional Staff Quarterly Bulletin. Her regular contributions enhanced and contributed to the learning of teachers as well as of the pupils.
Dr. Vega holds the position as Chair in Department of Radiology in UP-PGH Medical Center since 2003, Radiation Oncology Section at Medical City General Hospital and Chinese General Hospital, Department of Radiology at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. An Associate Professor VII in University of the Philippines College of Medicine, Radiology Department and a Philippine Representative to the Advisory Board of IAEA Project on Distance Learning in Applied Sciences in Oncology (RAS 6/033), National Coordinator of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and National Rep-resentative for IEAE Working Committee on Syllabus for Radiation Oncology Residency Training. He was also the past President of Philippine Radiation Oncology Section and Philippine College of Radiology.
During the 2009 college activities of UP, Dr. Vega served as Co-Chair of UPCM Grand Scientific Symposium. He served as Lecturer in “Role of Radiation in T-Cell Lymphomas, Philippine Society of Medical Oncology Annual Convention held at EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila on October 14, 2011. He also served as Resource Speaker in “2010 International Conference of Radio-active Seed Interstitial Brachytherapy for Cancer Treatment” at Peking University, Beijing China. A Panelist on the “ Treatment Toxicity in Head and Neck Cancer Treatment” in 3rd Post-Graduate Seminar, St. Luke’s Medical Center Radiation Oncology Department, SLMC Global City (August 2010) and Plenary Lecturer on Philippine Radiation Oncology Society Midyear Convention, Bohol (April 2010). In 2009, Dr. Vega acted as Moderator and Resource Speaker on the Management of Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Cancer in Post-Graduate Course in Radiation Oncology at St. Luke’s Medical Center last June 6, 2009.
In view of his continuous dedication on promoting health and wellness through expert and compassionate care, Dr. Vega wrote and published several books including “Radiation Therapy of Cervical Cancer, in Gynecologic Oncolgy for the Clinician 2nd ed.; Sotto, L: Manalo A.; Limson, G.; p. 99-146; Society of Gyneologic Oncoplogy of the Philippines (publisher)”. A contributor to IAEA Interactive CD on Distance Learning in Applied Sciences in Oncology 2006 and Co-Authored “IAEA Syllabus Radiation Oncology Training – International Atomic Energy Agency, Viena, Austria (April 2006).
Dr. Gaudencio P. Vega is a true-blooded Aklanon whose service is honored.
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